Covering up a tattoo.


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Jun 5, 2013

Crystal M.

I've been wanting to cover up my tattoo for a very long time, any suggestions on what I should cover it up with? I have a tattoo in mind but not sure. Please help!

Jun 5, 2013

May D.

Hard candy glamoflauge concealer covers tattoos

Jun 5, 2013

May D.

Oh sorry I'm stupid. nevermind then.

Jun 5, 2013

Yaya B.

Why? its super cute... but if you do cover it up its going to have to be double its size maybe flowers I don't know... but why you want to cover it for?

Jun 5, 2013

Tiffany F.

You can use halloween makeup bcuz of the thickness n the cream it will color correct it n set it with translucent powder or baby powder or even cornstarch then apply foundation that matches your chest n set w powder... Lots of vids on youtube for more help n info.

Jun 5, 2013

Brittany A.

Honestly, the best thing to do is find a tattoo artist that is good with coverups and go in and talk to him/her. Coverups are harder to do well than most people realize and they usually turn out awful. The artist will talk to you, and give you ideas at of what would be best for it.

Jun 5, 2013

Crystal M.

I want a cover up tattoo. I don't mind it being big, so long as it covers. I've thought of roses but I don't know if red will cover.

Jun 5, 2013

Emily C.

I'm friends with a couple of tattooists, you can't cover black with colour. Black is the easiest to be lazered off but from the look of your piece I would say red roses could find their way into the design (I would get a locket and keys with roses on the far sides personally) hope this helps and good luck!

Jun 6, 2013

Brittany A.

Emily, if the artist is really good they could cover it with just roses, it would all be in the layout and shading.
Crystal, where do you live, sweetie? My bestie is an amazing tattoo artist and he knows amazing artists around the states, maybe I could get a recommendation for you? If not he just got is license to travel doing tattooes and starts in a couple weeks, I can see if hell be in you area soon.

Jun 6, 2013

Crystal M.

I live in Central California. my tattoo is kind of fading already, I just want it covered up with something nice.

Jun 9, 2013

Brittany A.

My friend has been super busy so it has been hard to get a response. I will try asking again soon when things calm down a little. In the mean time I suggest looking for an artist that is really good with coverups, make sure you see pictures (if not the coverup in person), talk to them about their ideas on it, and think of what you want done with it (make sure it is something you really want because between size, coloring, and layering, this one will be even harder to cover up)