Koolaid Highlights In Hair!


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Apr 11, 2012

Alaina O.

I've used just straight food coloring, brushing it in with a tooth brush even and then blowing it dry...It lasted forever, not too messy and so simple. Granted I did put it on bleached hair.

Apr 7, 2012

Joi K.

I completely agree 100% Britt B. and I have been hairsyling for 15 yrs specializing in color for 10 so u the hit nail on the head the worst color correction jobs are the DIY with kool aid and other non hair products and chemicals

Apr 7, 2012

Britt A.

I think Manic Panic may be your best bet. My mom is a professional hairstylist and has been standing behind the chair for 25 years, and the worst DIY projects she has ever seen involve bang trimming and at home hair dye, including Kool Aid, haha. If you're going to do it anyway, try a really small piece first as a tester and if it works, go on your merry little way. But I would give Manic Panic a try. Plus, they have a wider range of reds, pinks, blues, oranges, pretty much every color, ever! Also, Paul Mitchell makes cool colors for your hair, called Inkworks, and so does Scruples- it's called Urban Shock. These might be better options for you if you plan on doing different things with your color in the long run, and will be easier for you to correct should you change your mind. Good luck with whatever you decide, I'm sure it will look great :)

Apr 7, 2012

Alecia S.

If you want to try a color out i would try a spray or mascara you can get and see if you like it on you... then you can go to a professional and get it done if you want it bright and vibrant 

Apr 5, 2012

Joi K.

I agree with April K. 100% a professional will be the best route and manic panic is great their red is very vibrant and so is the blue that they make but if u have dark hair u do need to lighten ur natural hair color 

Apr 5, 2012

April F.

If you really want vibrant colors, have you tried manic panic hair dye? You can get it at sally's beauty supply and it works whether your hair is dark or light. But honestly if this is your first time I recommend going to a professional the first time so you can ensure you get the result you want and that way if something does go wrong they can fix it,right then. Good luck either way!

Apr 3, 2012

Joi K.

No one said she wasnt free to do what ever she wanted however she did ask a question on an open forum and no u cant ingest easter egg dye or clothing dye but it's not meant for ur hair either and u do have to add vinegar in to activate it so now ur hair smells like vinegar not to mention it doesnt always wash out in a few shampoos sometimes ur left with a really unflattering version of what u intended and coloring ur hair with the right products is only messy when u do dont know what u are doing and if u are going to lighten ur hair with bleach which is the harshest of all the chemicals used when coloring hair then u might as well use the temp hair color that is meant for ur hair just a thought from a licensed professional with over 15 yrs expierience and like I said I have had colored my hair every color u can imagine as well :-) 

If this girl wants to use Kool-Aid on her hair, she's free to do so. If she doesn't like it, she can always wash it out or dye over it. Fabric dye and egg coloring kits aren't made for ingestion...

To the original poster, after reading a few different articles online, here are a few tips:

- Use unsweetened Kool-Aid.
- Bleach your hair for a more vibrant effect, the lighter your hair is, the longer the dye will stay. If you don't bleach your hair, the dye will wash out in a few washings.
- You can mix it with conditioner for an easier application.


Apr 3, 2012

Mashell P.


Apr 3, 2012

Joi K.

Like I said I am a hairstylist and while I have had every color in my hair I have also applied the same to many a client and while yes dyes not temp color can be harsh what's even worse and I have dealt with this too is trying to remove crap like kool aid and food color and clothing dye from hair as well sometime products that are made in ingestion should stay just that  

Apr 3, 2012

Ish K.

I heard it lasts! You can search some YouTube tutorials, that's where I watched some (:

What's wrong with going old school? Isn't dyeing hair messy anyway, no matter what you dye it with?

I've never dyed my hair with Kool Aid but you can use Easter egg dye kits. The longer you leave the dye on, the longer the color will last. I did it a few years ago and loved it. The color was so vibrant and lasted a few months.

Apr 3, 2012

Aisha A.

If you have dark hair, it may only leave just a reddish (or whatever color you're using) tinge, or no color at all. -_- I tried this with the cherry koolaid, but it didn't show up at all on my black/dark brown hair:(

Apr 3, 2012

Arianna R.

My little sister did this to her hair with red also...the color lasted a long time...she's had it for around 2/3 months and its faded but still a purple/light red color...messy yes! But a cheap and fun alternative to harsh dyes/bleaches

Apr 3, 2012

Joi K.

OMG ! Ladies this is so old school pls dont try it its messy and if u wanna do temperary get some clip in extensions in some funky colors and if u want to do cherry red but not sure if u will want ur whole head just lighten the tips and then apply a red temp hair color if u dont like or get tired of u can let it grow out or use un color to remove the red and use a toner ur natural hair color to get it back to where u want it and I know all this from coloring my hair every color under the sun including the color of the sun I was dying my hair rainbow colors before Nicki Minaj was even thought about lol while I was still in Cosmotology school. and if wanna do just highlights even better but I still stick to drinking kool aid and use the proper products in ur hair

Apr 3, 2012

Mashell P.

dang, thats true..y didnt i think of that ? lol but ok i will :) thanks..

I would google it, but I've only seen it done with light hair!

Apr 3, 2012

Mashell P.

have medium brown hair, shoulder length..and lately I've been wanting to try out a new style of color with my hair something temporary but cool! So i heard u can partially like streak your own hair and it would wash out in like a few days..is this true?? and how should i attempt to dye my hair with red (cherry) KOOL AID!? :))))
and how long do i leave it in for to even see results..

Mashell P.

Ridgecrest, Ca