Slave bracelet probs


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Jun 10, 2013

Kati H.

Personally I love slave bracelets (this is one I got a few days ago). But I'm struggling with what kind of outfits to wear it with. Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated 😄

Jun 10, 2013

Victoria A.

Slave bracelets? Are you sure that's what they are called? Seems kind of offensive... Just curious.

Jun 10, 2013

Kati H.

That's what I've always seen and heard them called

Jun 10, 2013

Shannon R.

not offensive!

Jun 10, 2013

Erin M.

The only reason this isn't offensive is because it takes its meaning from a science fiction, harems, and BDSM (mostly this as its a sexual slave master thing) not from the African slave trade as those bracelets look different and would have never been so decorated.

Anyway, maybe wearing a pretty flowing/casual maxi dress. I see them worn a lot with gothic styles as well or skimpier clothing/underwear, but that goes back to the BDSM...but because yours is gold maybe a cute blue maxi dress? One that doesn't have to much detail or embroidery on it.

Jun 10, 2013

Narissa P.

Erin you're correct! I personally love them around my ankle too. I think(depending on the color,style, and overall look) they can be work with almost anything.

Kati H.

British Columbia, Canada