Itchy Dry Skin, Esp. On My Nose Area :(


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Mar 14, 2012

April N.

i'm new on this site and i think you guys could help me with this problem.. i always get a dry and itchy feeling every after bathing. i dunno why my skin acting like that. seems like it's really irritating me. can you give me some advices on how to get rid of my skin problem? thanks!

The best thing to do is use a moisturiser straight away after you get out of the bath/shower. Pat your face dry and put some on, and your skin will absorb the cream faster and more effectively.

Also, consider the products you use while you wash. They might be the reason to your itchiness. Try changing them up for something a little more hydrating.

If things don't get better, you definitely need to see your GP. Dryness is a normal skin occurrence, but persistent itchiness definitely isn't.

Mar 15, 2012

Leslie J.

Are you using soaps that contain some amounts of perfume? If so, maybe you should try changing cleansing wash. Also the change in weather could be the reason why your skin is so irritated. I would definitely try using products that cater to dry skin like Eucerin or Cetaphil. 

Mar 15, 2012

April N.

thanks girls! i really appreciate your concern and advices..

@ Leslie J. : oh yes i used cetaphil before as my facial cleanser but then changed to not-so-good product (coz my friend told me to use it) .. hmm maybe i'll go back to cetaphil.

@ Bianca T.: i haven't used any moisturizers yet.. what specific brand should i use?

Until your skin stops itching, avoid fragranced products. I recommend Eucerin. :)

Mar 15, 2012

April N.

Thank you Bianca! you are so kind ;) 

Mar 15, 2012

sehnaz G.

hey hun try aveeno products they r good

Mar 15, 2012

Lindsie M.

Also, try not to use HOT water if you can stand it and don't stay in the shower for too long. I know lots of people really enjoy a nice long hot shower, but that can take a lot of the natural moisture out of your skin and make it feel tight and itchy.

Mar 17, 2012

Colleen T.

You should use a mosturizer. I use to have that problem then I found out that I was using my scrub to much.

Mar 19, 2012

April N.

Thanks girls! ;) 

Mar 19, 2012

April N.

Thanks Lina ;)

Mar 26, 2012

Simera H.

Hot water does make dry skin 100 times worse. I have dry flaky itchy skin all year long. I have been seen a huge improvement in my skin by using Unrefined Shea Butter. It's a miracle.

Mar 26, 2012

Bee K.

use a natural moisturizer. I use grapeseed oil. it sounds like it would be greasy but it's not. it's actually really easily absorbed by your skin. I had really dry legs, because I love my space heater at work, and no amount of moisturizer helped. This did and you can leave it on your skin and go about your day. Takes about 10 minutes to fully absorb, depending on your skin. Also, helped get rid of my forehead "stress" lines!

April N.
