Product Review: Urban Decay Surreal Skin Liquid Makeup Foundation In Hallucination


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Aug 9, 2012

Joanna M.

I was informed by a friend of the Urban Decay range, who was raving about their products at the time.

I'm constantly on the look out for a foundation that provides good coverage for my combination skin. You see, my skin can be rather moody: oily one minute, dry the next and has always been particularly acne prone, since the age of 11, so I need a foundation that tailors to all of my needs, as well as being light enough not to cause breakouts.

I chose this foundation as I was attracted to the quirky packaging and read some pretty good reviews about it online.

On first glance: it comes in this sleek, plastic lavender bottle. I think it's meant to replicate a potion vial of some kind, but it's rather unique, none the less, which I love. It certainly looks pretty on my bedroom dresser... Read more here: