Home Made face washes??


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Oct 1, 2013

Naomi L.

What are some home made face washes??

Oct 1, 2013

Tessandra R.

Here are some of the ones I use most often:
-Honey and Cinnamon. Yiu can either use this as an exfoliating face wash, or as a mask :)
-Egg White. It softens your face as well as moisturizes :)
-Strawberries and Honey. It'll moisturize, exfoliate, and even tone your face :) I hope these help you!!

Oct 2, 2013

Abby L.

I made a mask using oats, Greek yoghurt, and the juice of a grapefruit

Oct 2, 2013

Abby L.

Also look on YouTube just type on homemade face washes or masks

Oct 2, 2013

Holly P.

Here is an amazing exfoliator-will never hurt your skin. Use about twice a week
- 1/2 cup liquid coconut oil
- 1/4 cup(or enough for desired, gritty consistency) white sugar
- drop of honey
- pinch of sea salt

Oct 2, 2013

Kitty K.

Oatmeal alone works amazing... Just grab a handful and close your fist... let water run on it so it wets the oatmeal. Then wash away :)
Part baking soda and part water... really good at clearing up spots from your face too.