How long should I grow my hair out?


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Oct 3, 2013

Shannon B.

I love long hair but I don't want to over do it. I want something that looks good. How long do you guys think?


Oct 3, 2013

Shannon B.


Oct 3, 2013

Ellie M.

Your hair looks great now! But if you'd like it longer, if suggest growing it until it's just below your chest xx

Oct 3, 2013

Sierra J.

Let it grow a little more

Oct 3, 2013

Fiona S.

I think to the bottom of your ribs would be a good length.

Oct 4, 2013

Anke B.

I completely agree with Fiona S. I think that would be the perfect length I also wanna grow it out to the bottom of my ribs!! I'm sorry for my bad englisch I'm actually dutch xxxx