Invisible Eyebrows.. Advice?


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Oct 5, 2013

Courtney R.

Okay so, I have dirty-blonde hair, and nearly translucent eyebrows. I've always been too afraid to mess with them, because any change seems SO drastic! Anyone have a simple technique or tutorial, and is willing to help a lady out? Or even just some tips on how to define them a bit?

Oct 5, 2013

Briana A.

It all depends on what your willing to do. It think if you get them tinted it would help your problem. I'm not a pro at brows by a long shot but girls who are always say practice makes perfect and at sephora they have different brand specifically for brows :) hope I helped.

Oct 5, 2013

Lia C.

You could try filling them in with a eyeshadow a few shades darker than your natural eyebrow color and see if you like it

Oct 5, 2013

Leanda B.

I agree that maybe getting them tinted would help.

Oct 5, 2013

Courtney R.

Hmm, I never even thought of tinting them. I'd rather do it myself, the only thing is I'm not sure how to shape them, to suit my face.

Oct 5, 2013

Manwela G.

I Gree woth lia, fill them and try to get use to seeing them in a darker color.

Oct 5, 2013

Lynzie B.

I can't see them. I would just go to a professional at ulta and get them done and ask them how to define them a little more. After you can just keep up with them..

Oct 5, 2013

Melissa P.

I would use a tinted brow gel. just add some shadow to the brow gel and brush it on. that will tint the lashes. I would also fill them in lightly with a shadow. just go with your natural brow just fill them in until they look a bit more defined.

Oct 5, 2013

Alyssa G.

I agree with the ladies.. I'd either use a brow gel or fill them in with eye shadow. My brows are super blonde too but I fill them in. To start, I think Lynzies idea would be good! That way you know what colors really work for you.