Cosmetology entrance exam?


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Aug 20, 2012

Ashley A.

hi girls! I have an entrance exam next month for beauty school and i'm super nervous, can anyone tell me if they've ever taken one and what's it like? I tried looking up some info on google, but not much luck :/ any help would be greatly appreciated xo

Aug 21, 2012

Lisa H.

They just want to see if you have a general idea about cosmetology. The one I took was super outdated and just asked rings like what color lipstick goes with this color eyeshadow, I think there were a few math questions, a few comprehension questions,? Super easy don't worry they just want to make sure you will be able to make it through the theory classes basically! Good luck and enjoy school it's quite an experience:) haha

Wow. I've NEVER heard of a beauty school entrance exam before! 

Aug 21, 2012

Kiri K.

Never heard of one... And I'm a licensed cosmetologist! 

Aug 21, 2012

Kristina S.

I am also a cosmetologist.... Never heard of it! 

Aug 21, 2012

Lisa H.

Of all the schools I checked out only 1 had an entrance exam. I think it was cuz it was such a busy school and there was a wait list to get in, so maybe it helped them weed out the people who wouldn't cut it?

Sep 4, 2012

Nadia Y.

Can you take the cosmetologist exam without going to school? 

Sep 7, 2012

Niki C.

I never had to take an entrance exam with I enrolled in cos school

Sep 7, 2012

Trista N.

I had to take one for esthitician school and it was just silly
Questions to see how well your critical thinking
Skills are. Don't worry I'm sure you'll do great!

Sep 10, 2012

Jennifer T.

I'm a licensed cosmetologist and never heard of one either!

Nov 10, 2012

Latoya B.

it depends on your state, some allow you stop shadow for a while. abd others you hace to go to school but check with your state. 

Nov 10, 2012

Sarah B.

We took a test.. But it's nothing to sweat about. The most difficult part of cosmetology school is staying focused. Being around a bunch of girls is really negative.. I've never been picked on in my life and they would victimize me since I'm thin hahah. I'm 20 and I'm financially independent and I have adult problems.. Many girls will bitch and moan about EVERYTHING. I'm taking a break since I have family issues that need to be addressed and school added too much stress... But I am a very focused student.

Stay motivated and think about why you're doing it everyday! Many girls can't handle the pressure! Be strong :)

Nov 11, 2012

Joey B.

I call it are you an idiot test, dont stress at all its normally like 20 common sense questions that have nothing to do w cosmetology