Back to school hair


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I was wandering if this would be a cute back to school hair do?

Aug 14, 2012

Sara M.

It's awesome 

Aug 14, 2012

Kiri K.

I would probably take a section of your own hair, braid it and wrap it around and pin it back to its base... This is too flat and maybe even tight, in my opinion. 

Aug 14, 2012

Dana K.

I agree with Kiri, it does seem kind of extensively flush to your forehead. And the color difference seems kind of awkward. But the braid with your actual hair sounds really cute.
**this is my opinion, in the end just do what you want. 

Well the thing is I've straightened my hair in this picture .... I could wear it like this (sorry party pic)
Or I could do the thing where you tease the crown and then just set the head band on that. My hair is CRAZY thick somewhat coarse and curly.btw I'm on the right.

And another thing I didn't want the band to look like my hair. 

Aug 18, 2012

Rebekka U.

cute! those headbands always itched my head :\

Aug 18, 2012

Felicia K.

It looks a lot better (in my opinion) when your hair is wavy like in the second pic! It looks very bohemian and cool! :)

Aug 18, 2012

Laura G.


Aug 18, 2012

Laura G.

I has work project of my season hair grow and no color dye