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Jillian C.

Aug 19, 2012

Jillian C.

Is there any homemade face masks out there???????

Aug 19, 2012

Laura A.

bubzbeauty have amazing masks for different things :D

Jillian C.

Aug 20, 2012

Jillian C.

Thank u

Aug 20, 2012

Laura A.


Aug 23, 2012

Mercedes D.

Here are some masks I read up in 17 Magazine:

Calm Redness (Issue: September 2010)
-1 grated cucumber, 1tbsp plain yogurt, 1 tbsp mashed fresh cranberries
-mix ingredients
-apply to redness on face, neck and chest
-wait 5-10min, then rinse & moisturize

Reduce Redness (Issue: September 2012)
-1/2 cucumber, 2tbsp aloe vera gel, handful of chopped mint
-cut/mash th cucumber, aloe and mint together
-smooth all over your face, and leave for 20 minutes
-rinse with tepid water

Note: Cucumber and fresh mint soothe irritation (from stress, swollen red pimples, or overwashing). Cranberries reduce inflammation and aloe vera hydrates.

Stop Breakouts (Issue: September 2010)
-Combine 1tsp canned pumpkin puree, 1 tsp honey 1 tsp cider vinegar, 1 tsp flour, 1 egg
-Beat the mixture with a fork until smooth
-Smooth a layer on clean, dry skin, leave for 20 min
-Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry

Clear acne (Issue: September 2012)
-1/2 cup plain steel-cut oatmeal, juic of 1/2 lemon, 1 egg
-Cook oatmeal as directed and let cool then stir in egg and lemon juice
-Dot the mixture on pimples and leave overnight
-The leftovers can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Note: Pumpkin enzymes exfoliate dead skin, while honey keeps the skin super-moist. The oatmeal's anti-oxidants will bring down swelling, while acid in the lemon kills bacteria in your pores. The vitamin E in the egg will tighten ski so it appears perfectly smooth.

Brighten Skin (Issue: September 2010)
-Combine: 3 tbsp mashed papaya, 2 tbsp mashed banana, 2 tbsp milk, 1 tbsp coconut water, 1 tbsp yogurt
-Stir until thick consistency, let chill in the fridge for 1 hour
-Smooth mask onto clean skin, and wait 5 min
-Rinse skin with cool water

Get Glowy (Issue:September 2012)
-1/2 chopped strawberries, 1tbsp milk, 1 tbsp rice powder
-Crush strawberries with a spoon, stir into milk and rice powder
-Gently scrub mixture onto face in a circular motion, then rinse

Note: Banana, papaya and coconut water are natural hydrators. The rice powder, strawberry seeds, and lactic acid in the milk will slough away dull skin, leaving your facce fresh. The vitamin C in the fruit is super-nourishing.

Soften Up (Issue: September 2012)
-Juice of 1 lime, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 chopped peach
-Peel the peach, mash up & pour off juice
-Mix lime juice and oil to the mashed peach
-Apply thin layer to skin, leave for 10 min

Note: Peaches are one of the most hydrating fruits, limes helps to brighten skin and olive oil softens dry patches to give your face a pretty gleam.

-Seventeen Magazine

Aug 26, 2012

Shelby F.

Chill an egg white and paint it on your face for 15-20 minutes! You will glow for days :)