Why the follow for follow?


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More people need to read this.

Aug 18, 2012

Nura A.

I loves this!! I'll sub4sub if your interesting and I like your channel or blog or what not but I hate when people expect that ish like really?! Nice posts ladies!

I hate follow4follow/sub4sub. There is nothing to be proud of begging for subscribers. There is nothing wrong with showing off your link when it's asked for (and I mean actually asked for, I don't like it when people leave their links on their comments because Blogger already has the name linked eh but that's just me. It annoys me when I have on the comment form to please not leave your links but oh people do it anyway), but begging is annoying. I'm proud of all of my subscribers and followers because I worked for it. People saw my content and wanted to follow/subscribe. I can proudly say I earned it all and didn't get on my knees to beg for them. I mean, how many people that do the sub4sub actually watch and comment on other videos and blog posts? I'm seriously want to know because when I did that crap a long time ago, I wasn't getting anything, hahaha.

Someone commented on my video two weeks ago telling me she found me on here and then asked for a sub4sub. I said no and said I prefer earning my own subscribers. One week later, I get the same comment from the same person on a different video even after I already said no.

Earn. Your. Own. Subs. And Followers. You'll be more proud of it, I promise.

I will be honest, when I first started to blog I thought that in fact this was the only way to get subscribers. And yes probably out of the very little subscribers I have probably 90% was sub for sub, I feel it takes away from the whole blogging experience. I don't like knowing that the only subscribers I have only wanted to gain one themselves and really don't care about what I'm blogging about... Its very discouraging to see a comment on my blog that reads: found you thru beautylish now follow back! Well I guess what I'm trying to say here is why not HONESTLY blog, instead of so many sub for sub why is it that we can't visit a blog and if we like it and get inspired by whats in it we sub. why not just leave a comment, commenting just on the post and yes do leave your link because honestly I 100% of the time want to check out your blog too and if I like it yes I sub and no I don't leave a message asking you to sub back! I really wish every blogger out there the best of luck, blogging takes time, and costs money and sometimes we are expecting to be immediately recognized and have a million views... but it doesn't work like that, it takes time and passion. I don't know about you but I blog with the same love and passion from the first post I ever did, and will continue to do so! Godd Luck Xxx