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Aug 15, 2012

Jill C.

Hi I'm fair skinned with blonde hair and blue eyes. I can never seem to figure out what color eye liner and eye shadow to use to make my blue eyes pop. I can't use anything to dark or heavy because of my fair skin. Any suggestions?

Aug 16, 2012

Kaitlin K.

I would suggest a black eye pencil (you may be fair skinned, but I think that makes darker colors all the more beautiful. Don't be afraid!) ;) if you think that just looks to harsh, go for a more brown color. Then, for shadow use a light matte brown color and concentrate that in the crease and outter edges of the eye. Hope this helped!

Aug 16, 2012

Kaitlin K.

On your profile I saw the photo you liked. Try to do something like that! :)