Oily Skin Control????? :/


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May 17, 2012

Angie l.

I have really oily skin. I have tried soo many different cover matte foundations and pouders but my face still gets oily a few hours later. Does any one recommend ay oil control foundation or pouder? What can i do? Help please

May 17, 2012

Paige N.

The foundation I've been using isn't too bad for oil. I have oily skin too and I've been using the Almay TLC 16 hour foundation or the Covergirl aqua smoothers. But Covergirl has another good foundation made for oily skin. It's called Covergirl clean. I also use the Covergirl clean oil control powder. It works well. If you don't feel like changing up your foundation, take some oil blotting sheets wherever you go. Blot your face every time you feel oily. (: Hope this helped! Also, moisturize your face. Sometimes, your face produces extra oil because it's not moisturized enough.

May 17, 2012

Shelly T.

No foundation or powder will help you if you don't have: 1) a good primer, and 2) more importantly, a good skincare routine -- especially moisturizer.

Yes, even oily-skinned people need a good moisturizer. You may want to find one with mattifying properties. (Bioderma makes a good one called Sebium Mat. Another one I've found (but haven't tried) is by Acure Organics.)

Bioderma Sebium Mat ~ http://www.amazon.com/Bioderma-Laboratorie-Dermatologique-S%C3%A9bium-Mat-40/dp/B0018RGL1G/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S?ie=UTF8&colid=1PEPK1CW6AGXT&coliid=I2XQSYKX50VNOQ

Acure Organics Oil Control Day Cream ~ http://www.drugstore.com/acure-organics-oil-control-day-cream/qxp345174?catid=182924

Primer-wise, I like Laura Mercier's Oil-Free foundation primer, or Smashbox Photo Finish Light. If you want a less expensive option, and you're not too skeeved by the idea, something like Monistat Chafing Gel can be used as a face primer, too.

May 17, 2012

Sarah F.

I agree with Shelly, and I think you also could try some mask too! Back in the time when I had very oily skin, I used to use the Garnier Ultimate Cleanser 3-way clean! It is amazing: cleanse, purifies and mask at the same time. very easy to use and smell good! I use the one with greensand, makes wonder I swear! http://www.garnierusa.com/_en/_us/our_products/product.aspx?tpcode=OUR_PRODUCTS^PRD_SKINCARE^NUTRI_PURE^NUTRI_PURE_DISCOVER^NUTRI_PURE_RTN1&prdcode=P10018

Also a very good primer is ESENTIAL. You can't hope to have a great coverage and matte finish with an oily skin if you don't use one... Unless you use Makeup For Ever HD foundation I guess... But still: it's expensive and you would still need a primer to protect your skin, or you skin will get "worse".

About cleaning habits: clean your face twice a day (morning, and night): just wash it with mineral water on the morning and clean it more deeply (with cleansing or makeup remover) at night. Then apply a toner that is for oily skin (I never used one, though I know it can do wonders!) and then apply your moisturizer (morning and night too!). I really like the Uriage Hyséac Mat' for combination to oily skin :) http://www.lecomptoirsante.com/uriage-hyseac-mat.html don't know if they sell it where you live though!

Hope it helped xxx

May 19, 2012

Angie l.

Ladies I really appreciate the help! Thank you so much for your tips girls i will deff try them and see what works best for me. I cant thank you enough ;) Thank you for your time :)