For Ladies Who Have Experience Dyeing Hair Only Plzz!


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May 31, 2012

Mercedes S.

ok so i have bright red hair..but im kinda getting tired of it already.. :/
and i was looking up some hair stuff and i came across blue hair! oh my gosh! i love the way it looks! but i not really sure how to get my hair like that. the picture with the red hair is me and the pictures of the blue hair is how i want it. and maybe i can get some opinions of how i would look with blue hair?? plz and thank you 

May 31, 2012

Mercedes S.

me with red hair

May 31, 2012

Mercedes S.

the hair i want

May 31, 2012

Mercedes S.

this one too

May 31, 2012

Catey P.

That's exactly the color I was going for, too, when I dyed mine a few weeks ago!

Since you've dyed yours red, you probably already know about bleaching. But since blue is a cool color, you'll need a product to get the "brassy" tones (or the warm yellow/oranges) out or the blue will end up green. I haven't found a good one yet, so ask around.

And mine took a couple tries before the blue really stuck, maybe yours will work better. I tried Rage and Ion, both faded really quickly to a sky blue.

May 31, 2012

Mercedes S.

thank you for replying! so your saying that those brands arent good?

May 31, 2012

Dixie F.

Well I wold say go for a hair strip. and then a deep condition for about two days then when your hair is back to speed bleach it :) Should be good. Make sure its almost a platinum before the blue for the best results.

Jun 3, 2012

Catey P.

Mine probably faded faster because I work landscaping 8 hours a day, so it got bleached in the sun and shampooed out every day. But you could try the brand Special Effects, I've heard that's the most permanent stuff out there and they have a lot of colors to choose from.

Jun 4, 2012

Taylor F.

Mercedes have you ever heard of a brand called stargazer? I don't know if they do them in the U.S but they are quite good! And have such pretty colours! I think they have a royal blue colour!

Jun 4, 2012

Noemi R.

Well i graduated from cosmetology school n they always said to strip ur hair with color remover first to get it out and then deep condition it then u can try to bleach it using a low level peroxide it b less damaging to ur hair and them put a semi permanent since it dont contain any harsh chemicals also seal ur cuticles so the color dont fade as fast washing ur hair in cold water should help 

Jun 4, 2012

Mercedes S.

wow best advice i ever got lol thank you

Jun 11, 2012

Angela C.

Mercedes, your post inspired me and I suddenly HAD to dye my hair blue! (Okay, I was getting tired of my old look anyway, but you still get credit)

wow that was some detailed advice from Mandy, great stuff.
my favourite blue ever is Special Effects Blue Velvet and its just in between blue and purple so depending on the lighting, it will look either colour

Jun 18, 2012

Jordann love K.

I would say try to let it fade as much as possable and use clarifying shampoos... U might have to do a shampoo cap after all thats dine then u should be fine to get that blue over the blonde hair.

I agree with Mandy K. as I also am a stylist. Whatever you do, read reviews first! I used a Walgreens brand a few years ago and I was allergic (which I don't have allergy problems with things like that) plus it really damaged my hair and scalp. Try to get enough knowledge as you can beforehand. 

Jun 29, 2012

Mercedes S.

all your comments and advice is great thank you!

Jun 29, 2012

Nikki B.

If your doing it your self I would first use Color opps to take out any of the deposited color before bleaching. 

If somehow you can get your hands on Logics cream lightener, it is really fantastic and lifts very even. You have to use their developer as well and you can put 10 to 20 vol directly on your scalp with no worries. It is the most gentle lightener I have found but you have to know someone or be licensed yourself to buy it.