Best tinted moisturizer


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May 14, 2013

Kayla V.

If you're willing to invest like 30$, try Two Faced BB Cream. it's light and has great coverage!

May 14, 2013

Vaishali M.

Garner bb is good for combination oily sensitive skin I use it n it works

If you have skin that in the T-zone is oily I would get some shine remover paper and at target the Elf is what I would use and that is what I do use and then take any tinted moisturizer and go over that in the summer!! :)

May 14, 2013

Kasiani P.

For years I've used many different foundations on my skin and I like them in the winter, but for summer I find foundation is too much coverage for me. I don't really have bad skin, the only thing is my t-zone is oily and my cheeks are normal to dry so I find even with a powder on top of the moisturizer a few hours later my face in those areas are still very shiny. I want this to stop! So please help give me suggestions for a tinted moisturizer, or anything you think would help me with this!