Alternatives for mascara?


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May 23, 2013

Martina S.

I don't know if I'd be able to use mascara because of my allergies. There may be ones I'm not allergic to but I don't want to take the risk.

I heard you could use petroleum jelly as an alternative to mascara? Does that work? I also heard you should mix it with loose eye shadow and use it like that.

Thanks in advance! x

May 23, 2013

Nayab B.

You could use Avon professional lash booster, mascara effect "faux cils"

May 23, 2013

Katie Q.

I don't like wearing mascara myself. It makes my eyelashes heavy and I'm always scared I'm going to mess it up. What I do instead of putting on mascara is take an eyebrow brush and use it as if I was using mascara. I use the brush side for volume and the comb side for extension. It makes your lashes look natural and you don't have to worry about mascara at all c: I hope this helped.

May 23, 2013

Beth D.

Mascara is not a nessesity. For the burbury fashion show for example they used no mascara :). ulternatively curling your lashes always makes them look extremely impressive. also just combing your lashes. I wouldnt recommend using vaseline (patrolium jelly) as an ulternative for mascara. it would just go sticky and make your lashes look greasy. some people use it as a treatment to gradually lengthen their lashes before they go to sleep, however not as makeup. it can also cause styes. but yeah I would just try curling your lashes, it foes make a difference. Perhaps if your not allergic to liquid eyeliner you could use it and apply it to your lashes, it will darken them but will look natural. :) hope this helps.

May 23, 2013

Kristin S.

Or you can buy fake eyelashes?

May 23, 2013

Linda R.

Eyelash extentions!! YES!! I love mine. don't need mascara! Shoot don't hardly need makeup :-D.

May 23, 2013

Lucy M.

I spend £6 and get my lashes tinted. It takes 5 mins. Nips for two seconds and then your eyes water then voila!! 👀 Perfect eyes that look mascarad for weeks!! Thy do allergy tests first xx

That's a really interesting question!

These are products that are alternatives:
1. Petroleum jelly (the most basic alternative)
2. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hr Cream (an MUA favourite, but it contains lanolin so not vegan friendly)
3. Rosebud Salve (another MUA favourite)

Application: Curl your lashes, use a disposable eyelash wand and brush onto lashes as normal. becareful if you wear contacts because it can fog them up.

You could also try a clear mascara or brow gel - there are ones available for sensitive eyes!

I wrote about it in my latest blog post:

May 23, 2013

Kathryn L.

Castor oil for growth and protection and then a lash tint treatment from your local spa for depth and darkness. Tight lining works wonders!

May 23, 2013

Laura W.

The first like mascara true thing was petroleum jelly and coal dust. Pretty sure you're safe with Vaseline :)

May 23, 2013

Paige W.

You could mix the petrolium jelly with a black or dark brown eyeshdow but there are also clear gel like "mascaras" instead of using regular mascaras.

May 23, 2013

Mary B.

I watche gossmakeupartist and he used liquid liner. It sounds weird, but it actually worked! Basically, you just brush the liquid liner lightly through the lashes as if you were applying mascara.

May 23, 2013

Sweet C.

I would say, either curl your lashes or use some form of false lashes.

May 23, 2013

Beverly B.

You can try using a heated eye lash curler. There is an offer for one on Groupon right now.

May 26, 2013

Meg T.

I dye my eyelashes so I can go sans mascara when I don't want to wear a lot of makeup.

I just put together this post about great ideas for sensitive-eye mascara

Try Jane Iredale or Suncoat :-) Aloe vera and vitamin e oil are also great alternatives :-)