Dark Circles Under Eye- Suggestions Please.


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May 27, 2013

Jasmine N.

I have a 5 month old baby and I work 25-35hrs a week at work. Obviously I'm not getting much sleep. I've started to notice I'm getting dark circles under my eye and was wondering I there was a product I could use before they get bad. I don't wanna spend a arm an leg on the stuff though. I know eye treatment stuff can get expensive.

May 27, 2013

Brittany P.

I've been using Burt's Bees Radiance Eye Cream with Royal Jelly. It's REALLY been helping with my dark undereye circles and I've also noticed that it has smoothed out the fine lines under and around my eye. It's also not expensive as far as eye creams go (a good eye cream won't come relatively cheap). It's about $25 CDN at the drugstore, $23 at select Walmarts.. In USD it'll only be a couple dollars difference. It lasts a really long time because you only need a finger dab per application. I highly recommend it! For the price, you can't go wrong.

May 27, 2013

Natasha V.

I have them too but I think my are genetic and won't go away :-( but I use the garnier roll on concealer in medium to dark; it covers them up pretty well if you need a quick fix lol.

May 27, 2013

Vanessa W.

Maybelline age rewind

May 27, 2013

Nicole F.

There are a lot of things you can do before running out and buying a product that may or may not work! One trick I learned is, if you're not already, sleep with your eyes tilted above you chin. This make it so that fluid cannot settle below the eyes, reducing puffing and sometimes the appearance of circles. Drink more water, for more reasons than this lol. But it does really help to he hydrated. At home remedy: grate a potatoe and apply it and its juices under the eye, allow to sit for 30 mins or until dry and rinse. I don't know why this works, but it does for me! Rose water applied under the eyes is great also, it helps drain and tighten the capillaries. It's really good for the entire face, honestly. Put two spoons in the freezer and after face routine, but before makeup, put them under your eyes to reduce puffiness and dialate capillaries to diminish dark circles. Lastly, be VERY gentle with your under eye skin. It's the thinnest skin on your body, the most delicate and this is one of the main reasons for dark circles, because its so translucent. I always use my pinky when applying lotions, cream, makeup or whatever to my under eye just to be very gentle. Hope some of this helps :)

May 27, 2013

Nicole F.

Constrict capillaries* not dialate.

May 27, 2013

Jasmine N.

Thanx ladies I will deff be giving some things a try! @natasha I hope mine aren't genetics cause my mom has really dark dark circles under her eyes.

May 28, 2013

Natasha V.

@jasmine so does my mom :\

May 28, 2013

khatija a.

Almond oil helps, apply it before bed. Here is a tutorial I did for covering dark circles
What you need

-A Bobbi Brown corrector that suits your skin tone, I used Peach.
- MAC select cover up Nw that suits your skin tone- I used Nw25
- MAC select cover up Nc that suits your skin tone- I used Nc30
-MAC Mineralize powder that suits your skin tone-I used medium
-Primer- I used the vibrancy eye primer by MAC
-concealer brush and blending brush- I used the 27Pinkx brushes.

Step 1:
Prime the eye area

Step2: Apply the Bobbi brown corrector under the eye and blend
Step3: once the corrector is completely blended apply the Nw concealer over.
Step4: blend the nw concealer
Step5: Powder the concealed area with the mac mineralize powder.
you are done and good to go :)