Some good hair treatments.


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May 26, 2013

Martina A.

So I love my hair and I want to keep them good and to make them grow a lot! I use biotin every day, I use lemon and green tea shampoo and coconut conditioner and every 3 days I make a mask with extra virgin olive oil and once a week I put on argan oil.
What can I do more??

May 26, 2013

Lauren P.

There's the egg yolk mask. I don't know how to do it but it makes your super soft and shiny.

May 26, 2013

Emily I.

I'd say just keep doing what you're doing! most people don't do nearly as much to take care of their hair.

May 26, 2013

Susie S.

As far as treatments go, you're doing great. Coconut oil is supposed to be the best. Other ingredients in masks that can help your hair would be honey, egg, avocado, mayonnaise, etc. Thats if you're looking for home remedies. Other than that, make sure you use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush after your shower, don't wash your hair everyday, use colder water to rinse out your conditioner

May 26, 2013

Sarah L.

Sounds like you are already taking really great care of your hair. I can't think of any treatments at the moment, but I'll add that scalp massages are awesome. And sleeping with a satin pillowcase to reduce breakage.

May 26, 2013

Martina A.

Thank you so much :-)

May 27, 2013

Melissa T.

Do a hydrating treatment once a week with coconut oil, almond oil or argan oil to moisturize your hair and make it healthy. Leave in the oil in with a shower cap over your head for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to let your hair absorb it. Sometimes it’s good to leave it overnight for extra moisture. I use an argan oil hair mask from pro naturals for repairing and moisturizing and it leaves my hair so soft and healthy, I totally recommend it.