My Top Lip Is smaller then bottom lip.


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May 31, 2013

Pearl H.

Pixie lips! so cute :)

May 29, 2013

Fátima M.

If you feel unconfortable with that I think lisa eldrige has a video on youtube about making your lips look bigger than they are. btw, your eyes are gourgeous!

May 29, 2013

Jazzmyn R.

Honestly, (I'm a very honest person) you are adorable. Your eyes are big and beautiful so it balances out nicely. Of course, you can try the recommendations above but your beautiful the way you are. :)

May 29, 2013

Erica A.

It's completely normal for you lips not to be the same size.

May 29, 2013

Lauren M.

That's pretty normal! My bottom lip is much larger than my upper lip! I actually kind of like it because it looks like I'm pouting or like I got a fabulous reaction to watermelon (I'm allergic). haha! Embrace it, doll! You're beautiful! :)

May 29, 2013

Kayli H.

Embrace it! You have a beautiful lip shape!
But if you want to give the illusion of fuller lips, you can line your lips SLIIIIGHTLY outside your natural lip line. Also try putting a highlight on your cupid's bow, the area just above the dip in your top lip. It makes a huge difference, but still looks natural :) You may also want to try using two shades when you have lip color on, using a slightly darker one on your bottom lip and a slightly lighter one on your top lip. Lighter colors make things look like they stand out or look bigger, and darker colors do the opposite.

But really, I would just rock the beautiful lips you have girl- they are so curvy and youthful :)

May 29, 2013

Katie B.

Most people do have a smaller top lip than bottom lip; it's normal. You do have a really small mouth though but that's not bad! It's cute :)

May 29, 2013

Valentine H.

scrub top lip with toothbrush(I don't recommend)
or embrace it besides your way pretty

May 29, 2013

Erin M.

It's not really a problem, you just have thin lips from the look of it. There are plenty of lip glosses with lip plumpers, or what ever the work is, though to make them fuller.

May 29, 2013

Anna H.

My top lip is thinner then the bottom. :/ what can I do?