Thoughts On Bio-Silk Silk Treatment? :)


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Mar 26, 2013

Angelina N.

I've been seeing great reviews for this product on other websites but I wanna hear your ladies opinions more:) so does it really work on the hair and not make it oily? My hair is already oily so I don't want to make it worse >.< lol.

Mar 26, 2013

Maggie M.

I once loved it..smells great and works great. I've since switched to macadamia oil which even on my thin easily oily hair is aweeeesome! But ya I'd recommend at least getting a sample size to try's a good product :)

Mar 27, 2013

Angelina N.

I have thin oily hair too Maggie so it didn't get your hair more oily?but I've heard that the macadamia is also good:) I tried the bio-silk today and I'm liking it so far:) but thanks for the feedback girl!:)

Mar 27, 2013

Maggie M.

No problem, just remember a little goes a long way in fine hair like ours!

Mar 28, 2013

Angelina N.

Yeah I ended up putting a pea size amount and that worked fine :) ugh I miss having thick hair so much! -__- lol