HELP!! Holiday makeup


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Mar 12, 2013

Shakila K.

I solely relied on this routine when on holiday and my skin looked fab.. even in photos and it lasted all day... heck it even lasted til the next morning.

step 1: moisturise
step 2: apply sun tan protection cream (try not to cake it in)
step 3: apply tinted moisturiser once the sun tan cream has set. I used mac tinted moisturiser.
step 3: top eyeliner using liquid liner.
step 4: vaseline and then lipstick.

But you can adjust that to your choice.

Mar 12, 2013

Steph H.

Thanks :)

Mar 12, 2013

Emma H.

Well I take all my makeup when I go away but take a tinted moisturiser and if you tan then won't need foundation just mascara then bit of blusher :)

Mar 12, 2013

Steph H.

I'm going on holiday in July and I want to know what makeup you would advise/this about taking. It's 40 degrees in day about same at night? Please help??