Suddenly Breaking Out?!


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Mar 8, 2013

Madison R.

My skin has been doing pretty good lately & since yesterday I just randomly started breaking out like crazy! Especially on my chest, which rarely happens! Could it be the weather change?
Any other ideas?

Mar 8, 2013

Jada H.

That happens to me too. Like on my arms also. Sometimes it can just be hormones, or your body changing. Or maybe, clean there a little better. Just think of things you do in your day that could possibly cause it.

Mar 8, 2013

Jada H.

Also, stress or a sudden change in yourself can cause it.

Mar 8, 2013

Hazel G.

Like Jada said, its probably something to do with your hormones or other sudden change (could be the weather like you say) If you've randomly started eating something you normally would it could be that. If nothings changed in your diet or lifestyle then like you said it might just be your body reacting to the weather change, or it might be hormonal =]