Hairy Arms! Unattractive right?


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Mar 15, 2013

Madison G.

Well I don't think hair is "ugly" its our body in its natural state..society just teaches us that being completely hairless is "sexy" and what's acceptable, but in reality, it dossnt truly matter whether you want to remove your hair or not. if it really bothers you I suggest getting it waxed.

Mar 15, 2013

Yasmeen F.

So spring is almost at peek where I live and I honestly don't like wearing short sleeves cause my arms are so hairy! I HATE IT! What can I do to feel confident in a short sleeve this summer?!

Mar 15, 2013

Carly B.

I shave my arms. It doesn't grow back as fast as leg hair. I used to have short blonde arm hair but once I turned 25 it turned dark =(

Mar 15, 2013

Poonam M.

waxing is better.

Mar 15, 2013

Hazel G.

I kinda think hairless arms look wierd.. I can understand if their super hairy but not just a normal amount lol. I've got quite hairy arms but its not really noticeable unless your close up. Muaha one thing I remember being told a few years ago is that having hairy arms is menna be a sign of being good in bed! =O tehe

Mar 15, 2013

Tamara H.

I shave mine too.

Mar 15, 2013

Monika T.

Or trim them up with a pair of scissors.

Mar 15, 2013

Kelsey V.

I shave mine and have for years. It's not any thicker or a different color when it grows back.

Mar 15, 2013

Sophia K.

I have the same problem. But I don't want to shave them because I'm afraid it will from back darker and more noticeable. I don't want my arms to be prickly either. >.<

Mar 15, 2013

Taylor K.

I have the same problem lol luckily they are blonde so it's not to noticeable. I would say to trim it or maybe wax it.

Mar 15, 2013

Laurie M.

I don't do anything to my arms makes me get freckles bad when I have shaved them

Mar 15, 2013

Heidi-Loren B.

Unfortunately when I was younger I thought you was meant to shave your legs and arms :/ now there really dark and so I just shave them lol I was thinking of bleaching one day :)

Mar 15, 2013

Taylor M.

I have heard you definitely shouldn't shave your arms, but I think it affects people differently. Personally, I haven't and never will. I bleach mine with a sally Hansen kit, which basically makes the hair way less noticeable! And you won't get stubbly arms from the regrowth like shaving would :S I bleach them about once a month.

Mar 15, 2013

Apurva R.

I get it waxed. If you wax it regularly it would grow out lighter and lighter..

Mar 15, 2013

Kelsey M.

I've alway shaved my arms and I don't see any difference in the thickness or darkness, I recommend shaving them!

Mar 15, 2013

Gina G.

I used to wax my arms but remember body hair is there for a reason.

Mar 15, 2013

Lolli S.

Lol some of your responses are funny.mine are as well but I usually use a hair creams remover like nair or serious skin care Laser.I refuse to shave my face n arms!no no no nt good.

Mar 15, 2013

Caitlin M.

If you want to shave them then that's your choice. It won't grow back thicker or darker, that's a myth. It will APPEAR that its thicker or darker because the ends will be blunted from shaving and the new hair hasn't been lightened by the sun yet. Its your choice though, if it makes you uncomfortable then go for it. I don't think it's a big deal, everyone has body hair and personally I'm not going to let society tell me there is yet ANOTHER part of my body that needs to be shaved to appeal to anyone's standards. It's all about personal preference really. But I would shave over waxing. Waxing may look better but I think for arms it's just quicker to shave. A few passes with a razor and you're done, no fussing with wax. I think the result is about the same honestly.

Mar 15, 2013

Lolli S.

@hazel lol your cute.

Mar 15, 2013

Sky H.

Just trim it with a men's hair shaver like the eletric ones thwts what I do it doesn't get it so flose where you looj hairless you could even put the guard on it

Mar 15, 2013

Leanda B.

Some people think its silly, but it can really affect your confidence in some things you wear. I'd say first try bleaching the hair, as it shouldn't be as noticeable. But if you're still overly bothered by it, you could try waxing.

Mar 15, 2013

Ileanaa M.

I shave my arms and they don't full grow back for like 3 months! They don't come back thicker or anything

Mar 15, 2013

Stephanie M.

My body hair is very dark and thick naturally.I have shaved my arms, naired, and waxed for years. Its a lot of maintenance. My hair didn't grow back thicker but as I aged I started to not care about the hair on my arms. Everyone has it. So why care? I'm not one of those people who refuse to shave their armpits and legs. I don't know I just think hair on your arms is not important.

Mar 15, 2013

Mariana A.

I have a lot of hair in the arms (like a men yeah) and they are really dark. in the winter, I do nothing. but when summertime comes I bleach it when I have time but if I don't I really don't care much about that. I think arm hair is normal and not that ugly. :-)

Mar 15, 2013

Gab S.

I shave mine almost everyday all year, even in the winter when I wear long sleeves all the time because I just find them uncomfortable!!