Good Face Masks


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Jul 3, 2018

Sabrina K.

At the moment I am absolutely loving the Origins Retexturising mask with Rose clay! It makes my skin so glowing!

Jul 5, 2018

Mariam G.

Hey doll, do you have any specific problem areas you're trying to address? tell me a little about your skin and I will recommend a great mask for your specific skin needs. p.s. I'm a licensed esthetician so that's why I'm asking you these questions.. lol p.s. the recommendations provided by the ladies above are great. I used t o work for origins but it's important to address your skin type before using a mask. because if you have very dry/sensitive skin the rose clay mask won't work for you.

Jul 7, 2018

Kaira A.

Is this a good app to order staff.