Help!! Foundation question


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Nov 25, 2017

Jami J.

I have some lines under my eyes but when I wear fountain it makes them stand out more. I moisturize use a primer and bake. How Can I fix this?!

Nov 25, 2017

Anissa J.

Do you use an eye cream? it could be a help also a tightening products if the lines if it bothers you honey.

Nov 25, 2017

Leuca S.

Baking isn’t that great if you have texture or lines that stand to be emphasized. Try using a light layer of setting powder or a lighter application of foundation/concealer.

Nov 26, 2017

Aleena P.

Always remember (when seeking the best in-person results) that Less is more. skip the powder. skip it all together if you can but definitely don't bake. texture is emphasized when there is a lack of moisture, too much product, or a buildup of skin under the product (from not exfoliating, usually this is most apparent in dry skins and goes back to a lack of moisture, also doesn't usually apply to the thin skin under the eye). Baking exemplifies the first two.
use very light, thin layers of product. If you HAVE to use three or four layers of product to cover something, youre probably using the wrong product/s. find something with more pigment.
you may also want to skip the primer, at least in that area. Primers are often high in silicone which causes the makeup (usually also silicone based) to slip and separate throughout the day, despite claims of the product to do otherwise. There's also the possibility of the primer just not working with the foundation because of other ingredients. Foundation, and really technology in general, have come a long way and nowadays there really isnt a worry about long wear for most formulas when applied correctly. Some primers have purposes in specific situations (such as mehrons skin prep to stop sweat for a photo shoot on a 100 degree day) but overall they are a hindrance.
You arent going to be able to hide or cover texture, any time you see that happening in videos its a lighting or filter trick (or both). So its best to target it with a good eye cream that is made for the mobile lid. And an eye cream, despite rumors, should have different ingredients and purposes than your face moisturizer. what it really comes down to, is that primers are masquerades for temporary skin care. Anything they claim to accomplish in a second (but don't) can actually be accomplished by addressing the skin properly (though of course it will take longer).