Gourmand summer perfume


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May 23, 2017

Teodora R.

I would add Bvlgari omnia,the white one,smells so clean and fresh but still not like deodorant/soap (I sometimes finds these kind of perfumes smell too basic unfortunately), but I've been using Bvlgari for years :)

May 23, 2017

Romie L.

@lara R - Thankyou!! Ill check them out tomorrow. Its so hard picking a new scent

May 22, 2017

Lara R.

I've really liked Giorgio Armani Aqua di Gioia. It's a fresh smell, perfect for warm months, and last a decent amount of time.

Another classic is Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue, which has a more citric smell.

May 22, 2017

Romie L.


I was wondering if you girls know of a good summer perfume that has a long staying/ lasting power.
Also if you know a great summer perfume thats not really gourmand but fresh etc.I would love to know!!
Thankyou X