Bleach Wash...Twice??... Help.


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Dec 4, 2016

Gray W.

If you can't possibly handle it for another week go ahead. When I was doing my own hair I did a back to back bleach bath dyed over it and highlighted it by myself all within a week😂 do I regret it? Yes. Did I have to get a major haircut? Yes. To be fair though I did double (well more like quadruple) process mine. If you can live with it for a week that's best. If you can't then go for it just make sure your hair is covered in oil and it's short, or try to isolate the blue pieces with bleach.

Dec 4, 2016

patty s.

I would wait at least a week to do another bleach bath. Are you going to dye it another color? If so what color?

Dec 4, 2016

Angel E.

I had my hair purple for a few weeks, and I'm bleaching it.I did a bleach wash yesterday,and it turned my hair a light blue with blonde as well. I was wondering if I could re-do a bleach wash today, a very short one at that..possibly.
I did also go ahead and do a conditioning and oil treatment on my hair, from an hour after the process till now,I still have it in, to make sure it keeps healthy as can.PLEASE HELP ME...I would liketo bleach wash again today if possible.

Angel E.

Colorado Springs,CO