One side of my hair is longer than the other!!


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Dec 6, 2016

Deborah S.

Varying your hair parting and maybe getting some layers cut into your hair could reduce the appearance of this. And with a hairstyle like curls or messy waves it shouldn't really be noticeable either. :)

Dec 6, 2016

Kinen C.

How much of a difference is it? If it's a couple centimeters I wouldn't be too concerned. My hair doesn't all grow the same, which is why when somebody hasn't had a haircut for quite some time, the ends aren't a straight line.

However, if its as much of an inch difference, I would be more concerned with the person who cuts your hair. A month is a long time to take to notice it though, so she probably won't fix it.

Dec 6, 2016

Claire H.

I mean, I have a small section of bleached hair that is growing out, and at this point it's super uneven. Even though it was bleached to the same place (roots). I think that's just how hair grows, some strands faster than others.

Dec 5, 2016

flores T.

My hair grows longer on one side as well..

Dec 5, 2016

Lainee I.

?? I'm not by any means on any planet a hair expert, or anything even close... but that doesn't sound right...

Dec 5, 2016

Lainee I.

I would definitely say something to the person who cut your hair... and you could ask them to fix it, or just wait for the shorter side to grow out