Curly Hair Growth Help?!


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Oct 24, 2016

Lara C.

Same! I've been getting into their face products too recently. but I'm telling you the hair stuff is awesome.

Oct 24, 2016

Star M.

Lara I love lush by the way I use their skin care products amazing!

Oct 24, 2016

Star M.

Thank you everyone for the advice and Lara you give me hope lol but the sad thing it's been years and my hair length is the same and I know it's because I'm not doing any of the right things like I've done oil but the next day when I wash it out and put gel my hair is just so dead and has no volume because of the oil so I will do moisturizing for sure thank you ladies so much

Oct 23, 2016

Lara C.

Thanks Jamie! mine's in french so I couldn't remember it in English lol.

Oct 22, 2016

Jamie D.

Lara - the shampoo is called Rehab I believe :) Great advice from everyone here! The one thing I would caution you on is using Biotin supplements. At the very least, please talk to your Doctor about using them and the dosage of the pills you're taking, because there can be serious medical consequences.

Oct 22, 2016

Lara C.

I recently started using a lush shampoo also that has peppermint oil in it (forgot the name, its yellow) because I have eczema on my scalp and it has made my baby hairs grow like crazy... like its awesome. I recommend lush products for curls... very moisterizing and gentle. I even use a solid conditionner and my hair has never looked better.
my top advice it to be patient. and if you want volume, use an afro pick to lightly tease (not too much), my mom has done that for years. eventually your curls will be back to normal, and the new hair growing will be for sure. keep moisturizing! and if you know youre going to wash your hair the next day or in a few hours, just apply some oils to the body and tips of the hair. I also wear a bun or a pony often as protective styles when I try to avoid washing for a long time.

Oct 22, 2016

Lara C.

Hey Star, so for years I wore extensions and straightened my hair daily (about 5-6 years). then decided to go back to my natural curls. it took about 2 years before my hair came back to life. I used a lot of oils on my scalp and on my ends. I used curl creams instead of gels and mousse. those will kill your hair no matter how awesome they claim to be. I also wash my hair about 2 times a week and use a water spray to revive the curls in the morning. now, 5 years later my hair went from shoulder length and ugly curls to really tight effortless nice curls down to my hips. now I use Lush R&b, shea moisture curl cream (forgot the name), oils on the ends of my hair, protein masks, etc. I straighten once a month and try to avoid damage.

Oct 21, 2016

Danica P.

I used the shea moisture co wash but when I ran out I purchased miss Jessie's co wash and I find it cleans better with less product then the shea moisture tbh this the best thing you can do for natural hair and curly hair you will see a hug difference in little as a week also instead of gel I'd use a curl mousse and hair spray if you must don't use cheap hair spray they tend to have a lot of alchol I use the it's a 10 hairspray when I need to and it dosnt make it crunchy or super dry.

Oct 21, 2016

Kiara H.

Yeah I use a Bentonite clay masque. it helps define curls. and along with patty I don't use shampoo really. if I need to it would only be on my roots to remove any dirt

Oct 21, 2016

patty s.

I stopped using hair spray and gel for 10 years. I also have bleached, dyed, bleached, and dye my hair. My curls have been flat, dry, very damaged. To repair it I use deep conditioning treatments once a week. I use sulfate free shampoo once a week, I only use conditioner or/and cleansing conditioner to wash my hair. To style my hair I use leave in conditioner and then argan oil to seal moisture. I recommend Shea moisture products. has a lot of tips also curly penny at YouTube.

Oct 21, 2016

Star M.

Hello ladies ,

well I've been having issues with my hair for years now since when I was in middle school I would dye it and bleach it so much I use to have long thick beautiful curly hair but now my hair doesn't seem to grow after that huge hair damage and stays on shoulder length. Yes I use Gel and hairspray and yes I know hair spray is te worse well my Gel is specifically for Curls and it helps my curls come alive so it's a Good gel now the hairspray not so much I use it so it can tame my curls n give some volume bkus I don't want my hair to be flat but I've been taken Biotin to help my hair and yes it has been growing in the roots I see the fuller difference then my ends but I'm also wondering what else I can do if you ladies also had this similar issues what have you done? My hair is super dry and have curls please lmk what you ladies did and how you helped your hair I also lost a lot of hair after I gave birth to my son but it's been a year 1/2 already below is a recent pic of how my hair is.