Different hairstyles for me.


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Oct 16, 2016

Lauryn E.

Hello! I just cut my hair at the beginning of the year and I honestly have no idea what to do with it. I have been curling it and putting in in a bun and thats the end of it. Any suggestions on what I could do? This is my hair currently. I also have bangs that I am growing out.

Oct 16, 2016

Lauryn E.

Here is another picture. I totally have resting mean face in the first lol.

Oct 16, 2016

Lauryn E.

Ooh those are very pretty Hailey. Thank you!

Oct 20, 2016

Olivia F.

+ For braided hairstyle
Here http://hairstylezz.com/best-goddess-braids-hairstyles/ some stylish variants and also looking for videos by name hairstyle.
I study aso :)I like French braid ,make plain english and after I put it in a bun or and I secure it with lots of bobby pins. But sometimes seems I can use my hands to eat only
If you're looking for other cute "hair up" styles, try two buns on the off sides of your hair with some fringe or something hanging out in the front. Not quite Princess Leia, but a little farther back closer to behind your ears. I've seen it on younger girls and it looks cute. You can put some hair sticks through the buns to hold it if you're going for a funky look.

Oct 20, 2016

Olivia F.

One more pic)