How to get rid of severe acne scarring??


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Oct 31, 2016

Leuca S.

Is your remaining "scarring" hyperpigmentation or physical dents in the skin?

Oct 29, 2016

Jennifer S.

I have bad hyperpigmentation that lasts forever! I'm not sure if that's what you mean but I use Peter Thomas Roth camu camu overnight mask and it does wonders. Anything of course with vitamin c is going to fade dark spots. And make sure you're moisturized even if you are oily because the drier your skin the more prone it is to scarring and tearing. You can be oily and still dehydrated! Acne is so tough I hope it gets better :). If you've never heard of Caroline Hirons I'd recommend reading her skincare blog too she's great.

Oct 28, 2016

French G.

I'm 14 1/2 and I have had horrible acne before. I have lily to combination skin, but it still remains very sensitive.
I am currently have a ( medication ) treatment for acne clearing, and it works amazingly.
All I pretty much have left are scars..
and these are my biggest concern..
I've heard acne scars last up to 6 months for EACH pimple 😱😭
Do you know any product or special cream ( like salicylic acid I.e. ) that can quickly brighten my skin, and make my scarring disappear? I'm really aiming to "repair" my skin's surface and make it "live" again.
Thank you so much!