Expert advice needed!


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Everyone seems to be focused on what shampoo you used, but that really doesn't matter if the color wasn't what you wanted when you left the salon. I've never heard of a color treatment that will miraculously lighten more after you leave, as you said they told you. Taking the hair from a dark color to a light/almost white should never be done in one visit or one day. It can ruin your hair, and she obviously didn't achieve the desired results. Never try to correct something like the at home! Go back and talk to her. If she doesn't offer to correct it, speak to a manager. Sorry that happened to you. It's really frustrating to pay a fortune and sit in a salon all day, just to walk out without the desired results.

Jan 25, 2017

Feroza A.

If you followed their advice with shampoo and conditioner, I would go back to the salon and speak to the manager. As another poster said, colour correction can be done by a more seasoned professional, and maybe bring your products with you to check to see if they are the right ones (if you didn't buy them from the salon). I've had some disaster colour a highlights that were vile, but my old colourist in Toronto fixed them with ease, and my hair wasn't fried either.

Jan 24, 2017

Madi M.

This happened to me too. you may have saw the thread a while back ago. I went in to get my hair put back to light brown with a Carmel baylayage but I came home with a reddish color hair. I have grown to love it because it actually looks good on me with my skin color. I think if you hate it and it looks bad that you should definitely go back to the salon or go to a different salon all together.

Jan 24, 2017

Anna D.

Could you please post a picture of the look you wanted and how it looks now? ♡

Jan 24, 2017

Susan M.

Also, A pic would help my advice be more accurate :) I'm a licensed stylist but not working in the field. My knowledge of color theory may be able to help you some.

Jan 24, 2017

Susan M.

First thing. Please don't do it at home.. it never ends well. go back and ask her to tone the gold out with a violet based toner, that should eliminate the gold if your hair was lightened enough to begin with.

Jan 24, 2017

Kelly V.

Like stacie asked, what shampoo was it? that makes a huge difference and if it was store bought (pantein or any of those cheap brands) that may have just pulled the color right out. the stylist should have explained to you the up keep of silver hair and what products to use in order to keep it silver for as long as possible. I personally try to turn my clients away from choosing silver. while it looks beautiful, it is a pain in the butt to achieve and maintain (with out damage.)

Jan 24, 2017

Stacie H.

What shampoo did you use? It shouldn't have stripped completely within the first wash. I would definitely call the salon back, explain the situation. Likely they will get a manager or more experienced stylist involved to help. As a hairdresser I know first hand that many stylists are not actually licensed which is why I think things like this happen in a professional setting. They should also fix it for free.

Jan 24, 2017

Evelyn E.

I went to a salon for the first time to get a hair color change. I have always done my hair at home but for what I wanted I thought it would be best to leave it to a professional. I wanted a change for the near year and my bday so I wanted something totally different. I knew there could be multiple visits but I was able to find a girl who actually booked almost the whole day to get what I wanted. We'll it wasn't what I wanted... At first I noticed it wasnt what I had asked for because it was a really dark color she was using to create a dark brown then to a silver balayage. I never questioned it because I mean she's supposed to be a pro... Right? After it was done I expected my hair to be silver...almost white, but was told that they used the darkest silver so that it will lighten up... After I was told that it will lighten and I would get the desired look I wanted, I left for my vacation. During my vacation I held back from washing my hair so it will last longer... I was told to use color safe shampoo, so I did. The color stripped right after the first wash and looked almost gold. I was soo upset knowing that I spent a lot of money for something I didn't want in the first place...I haven't had time due to my job nor the money.
My question is... Is something I can fix at home or much I go back to a salon... Since my hair is not exactly what I wanted I then just want to go for the second look in mind that I had... Please I need help. 😣 My hair looks nothing like silver almost white...