What acne products should I use that won't dry my skin?!


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Jan 22, 2017

Alyssa M.

I have very very VERY dry skin, like flaking off my face dry, so nothing I have ever found really doesn't dry out my skin without moisturizing like hell before & after. but I alternate between mary kay's botanical cleanser & clean n clear morning burst.

Jan 23, 2017

Alexis C.

I would suggest quitting Proactiv, from my experience it's very drying and irritating to the skin. My recommendations would be the Origins Checks & Balances Frothy Face Wash (gentle but effective, also won't make you any drier), Fresh Rose Water Toner (again it's gentle but also hydrating), and IT Cosmetics Confidence In A Cream (a little goes a long way and it's very hydrating and moisturizing). For a spot treatment try the Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Gel, since you can use it as a spot treatment you can apply it just over your breakouts to dry them out/clear them up so you're not over drying the rest of your skin.

Jan 23, 2017

Leuca S.

Routine use of a chemical exfoliant is the best way to regulate your skin. Adequate sun protection is just as important.

For acne/pore issues, a BHA product will work wonders. Paula's Choice makes some of the best, but somebody here recently made me aware that you can find Cosrx products on Amazon, and I know their BHA liquid is solid. It uses betaine salicylate, which is essentially the fatty acid form of salicylic acid. Some of their other products contain a lot of alcohol, ignore those.

Jan 22, 2017

Lily K.

Hello! I have been using many acne cleansers, toners, treatments and moisturizers. I have a pimple every now and then and have whiteheads on my cheeks and on my forehead. The recent products I have been using have dried my skin up SOOOOO much! I have no idea what products I should use. Pleaseee help me!!

Jan 22, 2017

Shauna S.

What products have you been using?

Jan 22, 2017

Lily K.

Right now I'm using proactiv but in the past I've use lush products, the body shop products, and Simple products. I found that Simple products helped me the most.

Jan 22, 2017

Lily K.

Okay thnaks

Jan 23, 2017

Lily K.

Thank you soooo much.

Jan 27, 2017

Delara g.

I totally agree with alexis