Bikini line shaving?


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Jan 6, 2017

Em R.

I shave my bikini line during the summer but it always leads to the same sore rash with some ingrown hairs. I always exfoliate and use a fresh razor when shaving. How do I prevent this from happening next time?

Jan 6, 2017

Em R.

Or should I get a wax next time?

Jan 6, 2017

Maressa H.

I always have to use an old razor, if I use a fresh razor I get razor burn and ingrown hairs. So I always make sure to use a razor that's at least a few days old and then I don't have any problems.

Jan 6, 2017

Anna D.

Shaving up you will get a closer shave bit bumps and probably irritation but if you shave down you won't get as close a shave but shouldn't get rashes. Also never use shaving gel/cream use conditioner. Hope this helps:) ♡

Jan 6, 2017

Kitty K.

It's bikini season all year long here! I've learned its something you have to maintain. Once the hairs grow you have to shave them before they begin to irritate your skin and causw bumps.

I always exfoliate first, and either use a creamy body wash or conditioner.
I typically shave down and the areas that show I shave against. I always apply moisturizer afterwards or else I'll get red. ( I use CeraVe)

The bumps all come from the hairs growing out.. so you have to continue to shave it around every 3 days.. downwards and I shave against the hairs whenever I'm going to wear my bikini. I nasically maintain be shaving with the hairs and go against them on the days I go to the beach or pool!

I haven't tried wax.. I really just want to get it all lasered off! The cost of waxing here will just end up surpassing laser so I'm holding off until then.

Jan 6, 2017

Em R.

Thank you guys!!

Jan 7, 2017

Brook A.

I read somewhere a while ago to shave sideways. Haven't tried it, but they say it gives a close shave and keeps it smooth.