help!!!:( I need to loose wight!!


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Jan 7, 2013

Massie B.

Ok y'all so on February 1st I will be going on a cruse and I would like skinnier thighs and stomach any tips on how to loose wight and how to loose that extra fat and what to eat? I do try to jump on my trampoline to burn calories but it isn't working:( please help!!! Btw : nothing two drastic I am 14

Jan 7, 2013

Stephanie D.

Sweetie, you're 14. Biologically, you're supposed to have that extra fat because you're still growing. Absolutely no one is going to look at you and think or say "goodness, that kid eats too many hohos."

You need to focus on eating plenty of veggies, whole grains and staying away from refined sugars (read: junk food). Your weight will be where it's healthy and normal to be. Don't worry about the baby fat. You'll lose it naturally as you get older if you eat real food and stay active. 

Jan 8, 2013

Brittany O.

I agree with Stephanie, besides its not really fat. Its your body's way of maturing it self. Don't diet to be thin, exercise and eat well. And you way to young to be thinking about being fat. If you want to speed up your metabolism a lil bit drink lots more water. The water will flush all the excess bad stuff out of you too. Btw confidence looks way better then a flat flat tummy anyway ;) 

Jan 8, 2013

Loren B.

Eat lots of veggies lean protein and real fruit rather than juice. Drink filtered water and get a wide variety of activities so you have something physical every day. Make sure you always warm up first and stretch out after. Some weight training is ok if you don't overdo it. Yoga is good but no inversions on your period. And love yourself for who u are. 

Jan 8, 2013

Clarissa C.

Get up, work out and eat right. Jumping on the trampoline should be like a warm up because it gets your heart rate up , you should also run, and YouTube has a lot of workout videos that you can do at home. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is good to.

Jan 8, 2013

Abbey E.

Flaunt the curves you momma gave you, having thighs won't hurt ya