Should I go for facial hair removal or not?!!


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Feb 7, 2016

Glem C.

Thanks Kitty... :)

Feb 6, 2016

Kitty K.

I bought mine at Ulta - though you can find them practically anywhere. I've seen them at Walmart , drug stores and on Amazon and eBay. Mine cost me $12.00 and I had a $3.50 off coupon.

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Thanks Nia :) I'll be cautious

Feb 5, 2016

Antonia C.

I think that you should do whatever you want. if you feel like you need to have it off do so. Its all about you. But if you do so make sure you know the product you are using. The face is a sensitive area and you don't want rashes or anything to happen. Be careful whenever you put anything on your face.

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Thanks Kitty :) from where you ordered that?

Feb 5, 2016

Kitty K.

If it's thin hair then I recommend just using a regular facial hair razor.
They don't cut the skin or cause micro tears like a sharp razor would and get rid of the hairs without irritating skin.
I have VERY sensitive skin and this is the only tool I use to remove my facial hair.
It does not grow back thicker and I do it every two to three weeks. I have fine hairs on my face like you do and this gets the job done well.

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Ty Sab
I'll surely go for it...
Finally now I can get it done which won't be having any side affects LOL

Feb 5, 2016

Sabrina K.

Thats why sugaring is a better option then waxing. The sugar past doesn't rip at your skin but only they hairs - So all that happens is that your skin is a little flushed for the first few hours and then it goes away - I have a little sensitiv skin as well and I just make sure to get it done a day where I don't have to put makeup on after so the skin can relax :)

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Ty Sabrina...
I'll get it done professionally if I made my mind to do it
I am lil scared what if it damages or any harm to skin...

Feb 5, 2016

Sabrina K.

I get my facial hair removed professionally every 6 weeks. Mine isnt very noticeable since my hair is blond and very fine but it was something that really bothered me and I feel much better when I get it done even tho nobody can see the diffrence.
I get it removed with sugaring but I wouldnt recommend doing it yourself and even less when its on your faca and you have sensitive skin. The sugar past is a good option for sensitive skin as the past fight bacteria.

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Ty all :) for your great suggestion
I won't be removing it...

Feb 5, 2016

Sarah W.

You can use this method called sugaring. You can even make your own. It's made with sugar, lemon and hot water. After heating it turns into this paste and it's similar tip waxing but much more gentle and exfoliates at the same time. After doing so the hair keeps growing back finer until it eventually stops growing. Apparently, it's an ancient Egyptian method.

Feb 5, 2016

Aryana W.

Is it the hair like underneath your ear? It's hardly noticeable but You can wax it if it really bothers you, that'll allow it to grow in lighter also :)

Feb 5, 2016

Lara C.

No, I would only say yes if it was noticeable and dark. my upper lip and sideburns are very thick because of medication I took and they are very annoying to do. I suggest you don't touch it.

Feb 5, 2016

Sharon A.

I wouldn't if I were you because I've the same skin type and my skin might react negatively to the removal. It'll eventually grow back anyway.

Feb 5, 2016

Sam R.

I think you should leave it, it's not even notice able

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Here is the closest picture of my face to see the hair
And my skin is quite sensitive and combination...
So suggest me below
Thanks!! :)

Feb 5, 2016

Glem C.

Hey hello all..
I am confused about my facial hair
I haven't removed it ever except my brows
I am very less hairy
Since now I'll be turning to 22 this March I wanna go up a lil with myself to remove my facial hair
I should remove it or not? or do bleaching?? any suggestions?
and do tell me which sort if hair removal should I go for