Moisturizing Creams: What's your fave?


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Feb 15, 2016

Lin F.

Monsia day moisturizer with SPF15 and the night repair cream.

Feb 13, 2016

Brooklyn R.

Himalaya Products. There is a moisturizer with wild cherry and aloe vera. It is really efective and it will last long.

Feb 13, 2016

Paige C.

I also use Neutrogena for sensitive skin. I have normal skin which is sometimes dry and this gives the perfect amount of moisture and doesn't feel heavy or sticky.

Feb 12, 2016

Breeze T.

I never understood the hype about Embryolisse but then I tried it and now I use it all the time too! Call me a convert!

Feb 11, 2016

Lisa S.

@Marleen, I wasn't directing that towards you or anything; I just thought I'd mention it because I always see (and if you look at the beginning of the thread thats what others use) people on here who just use straight coconut oil, not an actual serum/moisturizer like you are... Nothing wrong with your routine, I just thought I'd mention it because, like I said earlier I used only coconut oil for two years and wondered why my skin was so dry still...

Feb 10, 2016

Catelyn W.

I've been using the Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer for over a year and I love it!

Feb 9, 2016

Marleen B.

Lisa, That's why I use the coconut oil as a topper to seal in whatever moisterizer I've already applied. I've got double trouble because I have naturally dry skin, but during the winter, I also get surface dehydration on top of my dry skin. So, I've been really enjoying the Moisture Surge line to "hydrate" the dehydration as opposed to moisterizing my dry skin. Also been lovvvvvving hydrating sheet masks, I'm addicted to them now!

Feb 9, 2016

Lisa S.

The thing with coconut oil, is that its not moisturizing. I used it for two years before I realized it does nothing for dryness and just clogs pores. Coconut oil is a sealant, which means its going to sit on top of your skin (which makes it appear glowy and moisturizing) but it just sits there and doesn't actually sink down into your skin to help with dryness... Just a thought, because like I said, I used it and thought it was great but then I realized how it wasn't making my skin worse necessarily (besides clogging my pores a but) but its pointless.

Feb 9, 2016

Marleen B.

Daytime: Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief
Night: Clinique Moisture Surge Intense. I will sometimes top off my moisterizer with Yes to Coconuts Head to Toe Restoring Balm (not for the faint of heart, very greasy, but definitely holds the moisture in your skin).

Feb 9, 2016

Izzy H.


Feb 9, 2016

Lara C.

cerave creams

Feb 9, 2016

Nikol N.

I like Cetaphil, but the one in the big pump bottle. It's my everyday moisturizer. Sometimes I use Argan oil too.

Feb 9, 2016

Review Z.

I have had a good experience with Cerave as well. Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer and I will definitely look I to embryolisse. Thanks ladies! ;)

Feb 9, 2016

Aurora S.


Feb 9, 2016

Kathryn R.

Embryolisse every day. I steal it out my kit. Love the stuff!

Feb 9, 2016

Lisa S.

Embryolisse was amazing but broke me out so bad!! Anyways I love CeraVe Night Renewing Cream and their Moisturizing Cream.

Feb 9, 2016

Allison W.

Embryolisse Lait crème concentrate cures what dryness I have!

Feb 9, 2016

Alexis W.

I honestly just use pure coconut oil since my face is so try. I was super surprised that it doesn't make my face feel oily at all.

Feb 9, 2016

Review Z.

I have used the Cetaphil moisturizer and it seems to work for my face. it keep my face feeling very soft and is very gentle for my skin. What do you use?