Boscia Exfoliating Peel Gel Review.


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You're welcome, Stacie! (:

Feb 9, 2016

Stacie H.

Thank you :)

Stacie and Yaira, I use this after I cleanse and before I tone (:

Feb 9, 2016

Yaira D.

Great review (:. But I have the same question ^.

Feb 9, 2016

Stacie H.

This sounds like a good product! I am wondering at what point in your skin care routine do you use it?

Nikol, I tried to be as thorough as I could! Enjoy the full size! (:

Feb 9, 2016

Nikol N.

I love your review too...covers everything! I will be grabbing the full size next Sephora haul 😍

Nikol, it's definitely an amazing product! (:

Feb 9, 2016

Nikol N.

I love this product! I got a sample of this and I love it! I need to buy a full size!

You're welcome, Janelle! (:

Feb 8, 2016

Janelle R.

Wow! Sounds like a great product! I'll have to take a look next time I'm in Sephora, thanks for the review :)

Finally reviewing the Boscia Exfoliating Peel Gel! I've been using this for about a month now and my love for this product knows no bounds!

Sephora's website says "this peel gel acts as a physical peel to remove the outer layer of dead skin, as a chemical peel to penetrate deep into skin for in depth exfoliation, and as a treatment to firm and brighten for a healthy complexion." So that's a lot of claims but I feel this product really lives up to its description.

I put a full pump onto my fingertips and work it all around my face. You can actually see and feel the dead skin balling up and flaking away. It's kind of gross but also amazing to see it working.

I could feel a difference in my skin after the first use, my skin felt so soft and smooth with no irritation. This product is super effective but also very gentle.

I've been having an issue with a pretty gnarly breakout situation happening on my chin but I think this product has helped tremendously by getting rid of the dry/dead/flakey skin around the breakouts and also helping to clear out all the congestion/gunk from my pores so the breakouts have been healing faster than if I were to just use a spot treatment. That may just be my imagination but I'm just reporting what I've seen.

Since using this product consistently I've seen my complexion look brighter, my dark spots fade, and my skin feeling so smooth and soft. This is seriously a staple in my skincare routine now and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a seriously effective but very gentle exfoliation.