How do I get thicker hair again?


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Feb 9, 2016

Emily B.

It's always safe to go see a doctor since they would know. I mean, they spend years in college for a reason, right? but like Alexis said, it's debated all of the time. everyone's body is different. that's why some people are fighting cancer and other aren't. just an example. so some people can handle biotin and some can't. but think. drinking a ton of water after you take it is to flush your system and force it back out faster. so it can't be that great can it.

This topic has been debated about a lot on this forum and personal stories have been shared of hospitalization because of biotin. It may not be common but it can happen, I'm simply asking that you exercise caution and speak to a doctor.

Feb 9, 2016

Aurora S.

That's exactly what I've been told.
Vitamin C is water soluble as well.
Whatever your body doesn't need it's flushed out and not stored.

Feb 9, 2016

Mim I.

I actually talked to my dermatologist about this. And he told me that biotin is not dangerous. He said it's water soluble so it's almost nearly impossible to overdose. He said just drink about half a bottle of water after taking it. I'm taking biotin 5000mcg. I take it every other day :) my dermatologist also told me that the worst it can do is give you a headache or acne. If that happened then lower the dose. But over all biotin is actually harmless. Just remember to drink water! And I also don't take the pills everyday :) every other day would do!

Feb 9, 2016

Teresa U.

I didn't know there were biotin pills (I'm guessing). I use the Biotin shampoo from Vitamin World and my hair isn't falling out as much as it use to. But since you say there's odd patches where it's thicker you may want to talk to your doctor or a hair stylist.
The doc told me it was normal no matter what I said but my stylist recommended the biotin. Glad I asked her!

Again, I say to see a doctor. They can do a blood panel to see if you have a deficiency and can prescribe proper vitamins/supplements/whatever you need. Some people's bodies can't process biotin supplements and if you don't have a biotin deficiency then you don't need to be taking it.

Feb 8, 2016

Shengmin L.

Thanks Mim! I've heard of biotin and I might consider taking it. Are here any side effects?

Feb 8, 2016

Mim I.

I had the same exact problem... What really helped me was coconut oil and biotin!! It's amazing! I have little to no breakage. And my hair is thicker than ever! 😁 good luck!

I would suggest seeing a doctor and get a professional medical opinion.

Feb 8, 2016

Shengmin L.

Besides weight loss, I didn't really do anything different to my hair. Used the same shampoo and conditioner always.

Feb 8, 2016

Ebony P.

Have there been a drastic change in your haircare routine? I had the same problem except my hair was really thin on the side and top of my head while it was really thick in odd places. This was from me always tying up my hair when it was wet and barely letting it out.

Feb 8, 2016

Shengmin L.

Is there a way to simulate my hair follicles so that it grows thicker hair? I didn't always have thin, fine hair...I used to have a lot of hair but when I was 17 I lost so much hair that it started getting thinner and thinner. How do I make my hair thicker again?