Starting a YouTube channel in NY


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Feb 3, 2016

Charon M.

Okay thank you

Feb 3, 2016

Sabrina K.

Hi Charon - I see you posted this thread 3 times in a matter of a few hours.
I would just like to tell you that due to the huge amont of threads being made everyday, many users experience that their threads do not get any answers and we therefore encourage users to place similar questions in the same thread and only make one post with the same question (reposts are therefor not allowed).
We encourage this to make the site run smoothly and make sure that everyone gets their threads seen and get help on their questions.
I removed the duplicates of this thread for you.

Feb 3, 2016

Charon M.

Hey everyone,

So I live in NY and I am a freelance mua. I want to start a YouTube channel to get my name out there but I am completely nervous. To be honest I do not know where or how to start. I am nervous about people maybe thinking I'm not good at it and I do not have any friends that share the same interest as me so no one to bounce idea and thoughts off of. So I was wondering if there is anyone out there that does YouTube or is thinking about starting YouTube that could maybe help me out and give me a few pointers; someone that can possible be a friend/mentor who preferably lives in NY ( it's ok if not). I have some pictures of my work in my profile and I would even appreciate feed back on my work. Thanks!