Help! Get rid of breakouts fast??


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Dec 22, 2015

Leanne J.

I have a few breakouts and I would like to get rid of them very fast (before Christmas)
I've never had "very bad" acne or anything so this is different for me

If anyone knows any tips please share?x

Dec 22, 2015

Chloe N.

Drink lots of water! I know this is a common tip but our body gets rid of toxins through our skin, and as it's the holiday season with lots of sweets and sugar and unhealthy stuff, it is pushed through our skin. The only way to flush it out is by drinking water and eating healthy. Another tip would be to not pick at it or touch you face which will only make it worse. Change your pillow case too because that is a big break out causer. And then I would get a topical treatment. I would recommend BHA (bets hydroxy acids) products like salysilic acid and tea tree because they will get into the pores and treat the problem by getting into it rather than benzoyl peroxide which is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) and just sits on top of the skin. Both work but for quicker results I would recommend the BHA. Sorry I know this is a lot of information haha just everything I could think of off the top of my head! Hope this helps!:)

Dec 22, 2015

Leanne J.

Thank you so much X I'm sure it will help.

Dec 22, 2015

Llesenia S.

Benzoyl peroxide spot treatment!

Dec 22, 2015

Maryann C.

It's going to take time but to help reduce it by trying what I do every night before bed when having a "breakout" : First wash your face ( I use the Cetaphil daily face wash ) , then if I'm feeling it use a mask ( I use the Que Bella masks from Target ).. leave it on for 15 minutes or so then rinse off. Afterwards do whatever you have to do and right before you go to bed put the smallest amount of toothpaste on your blemish while leaving it over night while you sleep! This is what I do and I've noticed reducing on them. Hope this works for you!

Dec 22, 2015

Maryann C.

Oh, and I forgot to add the most important tip.. DONT PICK AT THEM. It will be hard but this makes sure you don't end up with acne scars:)

Dec 23, 2015

Isabella D.

I agree with Chloe, Drinking lots of water will help to flush out the toxins , especially lemon water. Green tea is also great, it can make your skin produce less sebum, helps with inflammation in the skin , and contains a lot of antioxidants. I had pretty bad breakouts, and tried every product imaginable, but for me, the only way I could clear it was internally by maintaining a healthy, well balanced diet.

Dec 23, 2015

Alecia J.

Tea tree oil is great for reducing down inflamed breakouts, however it's best within a treatment or watered down slightly as it can be quite strong on some skins. I also agree with Isabella and Chloe, however I would have to advise against toothpaste, although it does seem to work for some people it can cause scarring (I've had personal experience with this and it's not uncommon). The main thing is to try not and touch it and don't pick at it, it's much easier to cover them up when they are no scabbed.

Dec 24, 2015

Clare B.

My advice is to NOT SQUEEZE, and apply moisturizing cream after every time you wash your face. See, when you wash your face, your face becomes clean, but important oils are removed, and so the body produces more oil to replace it; hence acne. So, always moisturize after, so your body doesn't have to freak out about the lack of oil and produce 100x more... It works for me, and other than that, you can always apply white toothpaste in the areas, wait about 15 minutes, wash it off, and then moisturize 👌🏼😊

Dec 24, 2015

Clare B.

Also, I recommend not putting Advil gel on your face because when I did it, my fave got unbearably itchy!!

Dec 24, 2015

Brianna R.

Nip and fab glycolic treatment