Diy Spot Treatment


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Jun 28, 2016

Lilly T.

I use turmeric to treat skin problems. They prevent pimples from coming at the same time reduces the growth of facial hair. My skin tone has also improved since then. I've also noticed that the dark spots that I had have now faded to a greater extent. The whole turmeric needs to be ground mixed with a spoon of milk and then applied. It's pretty difficult to get whole turmeric. I buy it from horton spice mills (  )

Jun 28, 2016

Jasmine S.

I always used to use tea tree oil, but my skin must've gotten use to it because it doesn't work as well as it did in the past. Now I have one by Neutrogena.

Jun 27, 2016

Kylie F.

My favorite mask/spot treatment is French green clay mixed with a little matcha powder. You can use water/your favorite toner to make it to the consistency you like. If my skin is irritated I'll add some frankincense. If my skin is more dry I'll add rosehip oil.

Jun 27, 2016

Aurora S.

I agree with Diana on the Tea Tree oil, it will definitely help

Jun 27, 2016

Diana T.

You can dilute tea tree oil and treat it with that - you'll have to look up the correct dilutions tho cause I don't know them - I usually buy premade tea tree oil based spot treatments.

Jun 27, 2016

Alexis C.

Personally I don't like DIYs, even if you aren't allergic to honey your skin could still have a reaction to it and I'm sure you shouldn't be putting rubbing alcohol on your face. I'd suggest looking into a proper spot treatment.

Jun 27, 2016

Serene J.

Totally! first, try an icecube and rub it over the areas to take away some of the pain and swelling. Then, take some rubbing alcohol on a q-tip and lightly rub over the affected areas, this will dry out the zits and make them disappear! If it dries out your skin too much, make sure you moisturize 😍 hope this helps.

Jun 27, 2016

Lexi F.

Hey so I was taking off my makeup to go to sleep, and as I was doing it I realized I had a lot of painful zits by my hairline. is there a diy spot treatment I can hurry and make to help with the pain? thanks.