Holiday Makeup & Airplane Skincare.


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Jun 29, 2016

Alexis C.

I always plan my makeup looks for everyday that I'm on vacation that way I only bring the products for those looks and nothing extra. I also use the same base makeup for everyday so I'm not bringing extra foundations or concealers.

I highly recommend the IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream. It has SPF 50 and is moisturizing, medium to full coverage (I'm sure you could get a lighter coverage as well, just apply a tiny bit), and super long wearing even through sweat, oil, and humidity.

For plane skincare I would suggest either your regular cleanser (you can just wash your face in the bathroom sink) or a cleansing towelette if you're not comfortable with washing your face in the bathroom. Also use a moisturizer. You can also use sheet masks so you don't have to get up to rinse the mask off your face.

Jun 28, 2016

Hollie M.

So I'm going on holiday in a little over 2 weeks and I'm stuck on what makeup to bring me with and what sort of skincare routine,if any,I should do on the airplane. It's going to be around mid 20's-30 (degrees) where I'm going which is much warmer than I'm used to so I'm wondering what makeup products are going to be essential. I usually have combination/oily skin but recently it's been on the drier side. Should I wear a primer and if so any recommendations? Also, I want to wear some form of light foundation or BB cream/tinted moisturiser. I'm not wanting to go bare faced. I'm completely fine with having light coverage, and even using a powder foundation of that's going to be best for my skin. Next, what sort of skincare bits should I do on the plane there. I'm going to be spending roughly a full day travelling so what things are best to do on the flight skincare wise? Sorry for the mega long post but I'd love to hear any recommendations for makeup and skincare products. I also don't have a budget. Many thanks!