Professional Makeup Tips


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Jun 28, 2016

Riley O.

Thank *

Jun 28, 2016

Riley O.

Thanm you Aurora!

Jun 28, 2016

Aurora S.

A cut crease, apply your base or primer and then go ahead and apply the crease color. Then, I go ahead and apply a concealer to clean up the line/ cut the crease and then go ahead and put the lid color. This method works better for me rather than focusing too hard on making it a clean line and not getting the crease color on the lid etc

As far as eyeshadows, the colorwheel I personally use more on certain eye colors to help bring out the eye colors. On most eyes, the opposite color is quite dramatic but you don't have to get a full on red or full on orange to complement blue or green eyes.

If you have blue eyes, orangey tones really emphasize/contrast with them
With blue eyes, it's easy to just use a bronzey (orangey) brown for an everyday/natural look

You don't HAVE to use the colorwheel to choose colors, if you're wearing pink you could use colors in the same family on the lips or cheeks.
But if you are trying to use the color theory you don't have to use a lime green. You could use a jewel tone type of green which is darker and just use it as eyeliner since it could add definition and that little bit of color.

As far as lipstick, you can buy an inexpensive lipstick palette from I believe... Bh cosmetics and it'll have the shades you can try and see which you'd like then if you feel you'd wear that type of shade you can buy an actual lipstick that's similar.

Jun 27, 2016

Riley O.

Thank you so much Charli. That was so helpful. I'll look into all of these!

Jun 26, 2016

Riley O.

Thank you Delara

Jun 26, 2016

Delara g.

I wouldn't use the colour wheel when it comes to matching makeup with clothes, it just doesn't work for me. I think it's more about choosing the shade that complements the outfit.
I saw a video on how to avoid the eyeshadow from going past the crease, I can't remember the technique but I think she used circular motion rather than back and forth, she also built the colour up instead of putting a lot of shadow at once

Jun 26, 2016

Riley O.

Hi guys,
I think I'm pretty good at doing makeup, but I want to improve a little bit. I'm not asking about a specific look. I just want to know how professional makeup artists do it. I'm sort of interested in professional makeup so I'm trying to learn as much as I can to improve. I want to know how people get the eyes so clean. I find that my crease ends up on my lid a little and I looked up cut creasing but I still don't fully understand how it's done. Also, I looked up transition shades and I tried it but I can't seem to get it right. One other huge thing I have trouble with is choosing shades. I am a matchup girl and I'm always tempted to choose matching colours with my clothes. I've tried using a color wheel but the complementary colors look weird when it comes to makeup at least to me. For example, if I'm wearing pink, I feel weird wearing lime green makeup. I also want to try more daring lipstick shades but I don't want to buy a bunch of lipstick and never wear them because it clashes with my clothes. Please help me and thank you for your help!

Riley O.

New York, United States