Stretch marks.. Help me!?


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Jun 26, 2016

Shelby H.

After :)

Jun 26, 2016

Shelby H.

Before on my inner thigh.

Jun 26, 2016

Shelby H.

I gained 85 lbs during my pregnancy and went from having not a single stretch mark to having tons of dark purple ones on my belly, hips, inner thighs, & even under my booty. I tried using coconut oil at first & didn't see any difference besides my skin breaking out. For the past 2 months I've been using my Clarasonic (any spin brush or body brush should work) with a deep exfoliant (I use finely ground salt, not good for skin but I was desperate haha) on them then moisturizing with a thick shea butter lotion (I use C Booth Vanilla Butter) & have noticed them fade & become much thinner. Also I've tanned a few times now & they are almost completely gone. The sun is what REALLY faded mine. It'll take time but stay consistent and they will improve :) Also don't freak out if they are darker after exfoliating, I think it just brings the blood flow to them but within a week of not exfoliating they should be lighter & more narrow. I hope this helps!

Jun 24, 2016

Cathii M.

Thanks guys :) it's more of a selfconcious thing, my boyfriend calls them tiger stripes so I know he doesn't care.. But I just feel awkward wearing a bikini.. It's not that I'm fat because I'm a size 12.. But my bottom is a size 16.. So it's insane.. Like I just want them to go :(

Jun 24, 2016

Baileigh M.

You can't get rid of stretch marks. They're caused by microtears in your dermis (second layer of skin) brought on my weight gain/loss, pregnancy, etc. products like Mederma and BioOil can help them fade, but there's nothing to completely get rid of them. Unfortunately, stretch marks are a part of life. If any celebrity seems like they have none, it's Photoshoppied.

Jun 23, 2016

Sylvie V.

Bio oil and palmers Cocoa butter

Jun 22, 2016

Diana T.

Mederma can help fade them to white faster.

Jun 22, 2016

Hannah E.

Even though you want to be ride of them, just know pretty much every woman has or will have stretch marks. I have some and I used to hate them, but they're faded to white now so it's not too bad. :)

Jun 22, 2016

Nathalie C.

I had plenty because I grew up too fast and they faded to white. I know that if they are still red there's stuff you can do to get rid of them, but not if they are white. So hang in there, I'm sure someone on here knows!

Jun 22, 2016

Cathii M.

I have some purple stretch marks on the bottom of my stomach and around my thighs where my bottom half is quite big.. Is there anything you recommend to get rid of them or at least fade them.. I can show pictures of you want to see..?