Is my hair blonde enough?


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Aug 3, 2016

Kayley R.

Don't dye it again. you can get a blonde hair toner to get any brown/copper tones out OR you can use a shampoo and conditioner for blonde hair.

Jul 31, 2016

Meagan M.

Honestly my hair dresser always stresses which blonde I want. If I want like a bright blonde or a yellowish blonde. I always pick a cool toned blonde for my hair. It looks natural but it's blonde blonde. If that makes sense?

Jul 31, 2016

Kel R.

In your profile picture, it looks darkish. In the first photo on this thread it looks blonde.

People are always telling me how blonde/silver my hair is but I'm like nah it's brown 😂 so don't stress, it's prob really blonde and you just can't see it like me haha

Jul 31, 2016

Lilly M.

Thats my hair now.. It looks brown :(

Jul 31, 2016

Lilly M.

I've always wanted blonde hair but I'm scared that my hair looks too dark. My hair looks light on the picture but in person my hair looks brown... Help :(