Extremely dehydrated skin..


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Aug 23, 2016

Leuca S.

I have oily skin with a dry under-eye area. I use a separate, hydrating SPF product as my base for concealer, different than the SPF that goes on the rest of my face. Right now I'm using Paula's Choice Calm SPF 30 for Dry Skin, but you can use whatever works best for you.

And you can absolutely use face products on your eye area if they are well-formulated. Face and eye products very rarely have significant differences in formulation; simply read the ingredient labels for any of Olay's eye products and compare them to the face products within the same line. "Eye cream" is a marketing gimmick for the most part. The best example I can think of is the simple lack of "eye creams" containing SPF for daytime use, since your eye area is one of the first to show aging, and sun damage is *the* primary cause of aging in the skin of the last two generations.

Aug 23, 2016

Hannah S.

I also have quite oily (maybe combination) skin and I am only now taking action but what has really helped me is the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish hot cloth cleanser (not the cheapest of options). It was really soft on my skin and I noticed results quite quickly, if you live in the uk, it's easy to buy in boots. I also heard using sheet masks are considerably better than regular face masks but I'm not too sure, for those I used the Sephora branded ones and I liked them, a popular choice is the snail slime ones (don't be put off by the name it really worked). My last tip is don't over moisturise, use a reasonable amount, it worked for me.

Hope I could be of help.

Aug 23, 2016

Rissa G.

Thank you both. :) I like the Body Shop brand so I'll look into that!

Aug 23, 2016

Marleen B.

I like Philosophy, Clinique and Origins for hydrating eye creams. But when I'm super dry, I'll put an occlusive product like Egyptian Magic Cream over the moisterizer at night. This will lock in the moisterizer & keep it from evaporating thoughout the night. You can also use petroleum jelly (Vaseline) since it's an occlusive product. I would only use the occlusive at night because it will interfere with makeup. But definitely still use an eye cream in the am before makeup.

Aug 23, 2016

Rissa G.

I normally have oily skin.

Aug 23, 2016

Rissa G.

So, my skin has been getting insanely dry - especially under the eyes and it's causing my makeup to crease and look overall gross. I look like a Granny lol. Does anyone have any recommendations for a really hydrating moisturizer/oil? Anything? Especially safe for the under eyes. My daily moisturizer just isn't doing justice.