Got my Clarisonic... Now what?


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Jul 22, 2016

Dana E.

Thank you everyone :)

Jul 22, 2016

Hannah K.

I tend to press a little with my Clarisonic, but not too much. You definitely don't want to feel like you're scrubbing your skin. What I do is press so I can feel it, and then move it around in small circles. That keeps my face squeaky clean.

As far as purging, my skin tends not to purge at all, so there's a chance you may not go through that. If you do, the time it takes to clear up varies, and be careful using the Clarisonic on active acne, because it can spread the bacteria or irritate the blemishes more; just something to be aware of. It's still safe for use, of course, but gently.

As far as cleaning my brush head, I rinse it after every use, and then leave it to dry standing up so that water doesn't sit inside it. I switch mine out often as well

Jul 22, 2016

Alexis C.

Well you're not going to feel dramatically different after once use, it'll take some time to really feel the difference.

Everyone's skin purges differently, I think mine was only a few days and it cleared up.

I rinse my brush really well and brush it against the palm of my hand but if your brush is really dirty with makeup just put a little bit more cleanser on it, work it into the brush head with your palm, and rinse well. I change my brush head diligently every 3 months

Jul 22, 2016

Susana F.

I also use my clarisonic twice a day, once in the morning and one before bed and sometimes just once a day when I wake up!:)

Jul 22, 2016

Susana F.

Well I got my clarisonic 4th of June and after my first wash it pretty much felt the same also, but I didn't push too hard or use jt too light, just put abit of pressure on, but then after I kept on using the clarisonic my skin did feel cleaner, brighter and more smoother so each time that I used it everyday I started to notice a different, I did have spotty skin before using it but then I did break out a little bit more and it stayed like that for around 2 weeks ( everyone is different so it might be to you ) and then after two weeks went by I still had spots but I had less and now I don't have any at all, and it's the time of the month for me now and usually I'd get a lot but I actually have none, so this has helped my skin ALOT it feels soft and smooth it looks smooth and clear, also I clean my brush head one a week!:)

Jul 22, 2016

Dana E.

According to the reviews online I'm supposed to feel fresh and clean after my first wash... I feel pretty much the same, lol.

I got the Mia 1, I charged it 24 hours then finally turned it on, used my Clinique liquid face soap, and went all around my face until it shut off. I didn't press too hard because I heard that doesn't work, but I felt like it was only touching my face and not even doing much??

Is this normal?
Also, if I go through the "skin purging stage" how long should that last?

Also, how do you guys clean your brush heads?