My Hair Falls Out.


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Jul 25, 2016

Sarah S.

My hair is really thick so I lose lots of hair everyday, and I can understand being a little alarmed when you see a lot of hair in the drain. I wouldn't worry too much since its normal

Jul 22, 2016

Emma S.

If it's not over 100, or creating bald spots like Alexis said I wouldn't worry about it. My hair falls out a lot, and it's not a problem for me.

Jul 22, 2016

Brook A.

I agree with Alexis C. Wearing your hair too tight constantly can contribute to hair loss.

Jul 22, 2016

Mimi B.

Wow I didn't know we lose that much hair every day! I feel a little dramatic now haha. Maybe since my hair can't necessarily fall out when it's in a bun I just notice it more because it all comes out at once at the end of the day.

Jul 22, 2016

Alexis C.

Wearing your hair up everyday can definitely contribute to hair loss, especially if your ponytails/buns are too tight.

We lose like 100+ strands of hair a day (or some crazy number like that) but if you notice that your hair is thinning or you're developing bald spots because of your hair loss then you need to see a doctor.

Jul 22, 2016

Mimi B.

Although it does still happen when my hair is dry, and when I brush it. Also, I wear my hair up every day for work...could this be a factor?

Jul 22, 2016

Mimi B.

So I'm 18, and my hair constantly falls out...I notice it a lot when I shower?